Renewable energy

63 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Climate and Energy Region

The ‘Climate and Energy Region’ is an integrated awareness raising campaign on climate change, addressed to children, young people, adults, businesses and communities. 

Good Practice - Project

ENFOCC (Energy, Forest and Climate Change)

Local renewable energy opportunities generated through knowledge exchange, capacity building and training on sustainable forest management and energy transition.  

Good Practice - Project

‘Off-Grid DIY’ –renewable energy manual and online platform for rural communities

A transnational cooperation project to promote DIY solutions for renewable energy production in rural communities.  

Good Practice - Project

Establishing poplar tree plantations for industrial use in Hungary

Using Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to set up modern poplar plantations in response to the increasing demand from industry for high quality raw materials  

Good Practice - Project

Zacharias Symeou Sheep Farm

A family farm used investment support to set up a state-of-the-art sheep farm for the production of high-quality sheep milk.  

Good Practice - Project

Hydroponic production of tomatoes in glass eco-greenhouses

A major exporting agricultural company in Portugal, used EAFRD support to develop a state-of-the-art innovative, greenhouse production unit.  

Good Practice - Project

Developing the Municipality of Alsódobsza

Improving the centre of a small community by replacing the roofs of municipal buildings.

Good Practice - Project

Alvesta Biogas – expanding its production capacity

Support from the rural development programme was used to buy new machinery and expand the production capacity of a biogas plant.

Good Practice - Project

Biomass Supply Chain Development in Ireland

An investment project that allowed a company to fill the gap in the local supply chain for wood chips in the north-west of Ireland.

Good Practice - Project

Henryk Sondej farm – increasing the efficiency of an agricultural business

An agricultural business used RDP support to improve its capacity to process and store its produce, while producing renewable energy from the sun.