Good Practice - Project

Improving energy efficiency of communal buildings in a LAG area

A local action groups promoted energy efficiency upgrades in the towns of its area and in order to identify good practice examples it cooperated with partner local action groups in Scotland.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022


    The South Transdanubian region has very good potentials for solar energy. At the same time in most cases, local government buildings in the area score very low on energy efficiency. Their thermal insulation is outdated, and their engineering is obsolete and wasteful.

    16 municipalities participated in this project aiming to reduce the energy consumption of local government buildings by using more energy from renewable sources. In the implementation phase a study trip to Scotland was carried out to examine good examples and practices with the support of Scottish partners local action groups. A series of energy upgrade actions followed including replacing old doors and windows and insulating communal buildings, installing solar panels and offering training and information to raise awareness among local leaders and carry out energy audits to various buildings.



    The maintenance costs of the upgraded buildings have been significantly decreased.

    CO2 emissions were reduced, and the 16 villages have come closer to their set environmental friendly targets.

    The training materials produced and contribution of the teachers who participated in the courses, raised awareness in the local schools regarding energy awareness and energy efficiency topics.

    Due to need to address the financial difficulties, a strong cooperation spirit has been developed between the settlements involved in the project.



    Mecsek-Völgység-Hegyhát Assoctiation


    Total budget 167 904 (EUR)
    EAFRD 125 928 (EUR)
    National/Regional 41 976 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 535.54 KB)