Producer groups

41 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Participatory Guarantee Systems - Dialogue between consumers and farmers for sustainable short supply chains

Developing a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) in the Netherlands as an alternative to formal certification for small producers operating in short supply chains.

Good Practice - Project

Knowledge transfer DAW Alblasserwaard Vijfheerenlanden

A knowledge transfer project to raise dairy farmers’ awareness about reducing nutrient leaching and run-off in order to improve water quality.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of irrigation systems in the Lower Savinja Valley

RDP funds were used to improve the management of water resources in an area of intensive agriculture.

Good Practice - Project

Agri-food sector integration of small-scale producers through information and training

A knowledge sharing programme initiated by a cooperative to improve the position of small producers in the value chain. 

Good Practice - Project

District Dairy Cooperative in Czarnków – Investing in added value

CAP funds finance dairy development and product diversification in Poland.  

Good Practice - Project

Implementation of quality certification in tomato production

A cooperative in Spain implemented a quality certification programme for tomato crops, aiming to increase the added value of the product, while being committed to promote safe and sustainable production processes.

Good Practice - Project

Slaughtering and processing on farm to obtain high quality organic lamb meat

Setting up a slaughterhouse on-site helped the beneficiary and other nearby organic lamb breeders to increase their profitability through direct marketing.

Good Practice - Project

Hay meat and milk

A European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Operational Group was set up to ensure the viability and continuation of the traditional farming method for hay fed milk and meat production. 

Good Practice - Project

Gunzesried alpine dairy - Utilising whey to generate energy

A dairy cooperative used LEADER support to set up a biorefinery plant for recovering energy from whey.