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Optimising the development potential of Producer Organisations for Spain’s fruit and vegetable sector
Catalan Producer Organisation promotes collective climate action.
- GAP-Implementierung
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

Agri-food sector integration of small-scale producers through information and training
A knowledge sharing programme initiated by a cooperative to improve the position of small producers in the value chain.
- GAP-Implementierung

Arbocus Ltd - Purchase of forestry machinery
EAFRD-funded modernisation investment for a forestry company in south-western Hungary.
- GAP-Implementierung

Autonomous beekeeping monitoring system to increase the productivity of apiculture
A partnership project to develop an autonomous apiary monitoring system.
- GAP-Implementierung

Establishment of a chinchilla farm
A farmer used CAP funding to start a new chinchilla breeding activity using renewable energy.
- GAP-Implementierung

Modernization of the Dary Natury company
A herbal products company used CAP funds to modernise its production infrastructure and create new organic fruit and vegetable products.
- GAP-Implementierung

Young Farmer Vladislav Paľurik
CAP funds support generation renewal in rural Slovakia.
- GAP-Implementierung

Modernization of the agricultural enterprise KLAS
An organic farm used investment support from the Slovakian Rural Development Programme to modernize its facilities in order to improve animal welfare and increase production.
- GAP-Implementierung

Cooperation to establish a dairy supply chain in Slovakia
A partnership between farms and a cooperative to modernise the production of dairy products and establish their own short supply chain.
- GAP-Implementierung

A young farmer modernised his family’s farm located in a remote mountainous area
CAP funds for a young farmer support rural revitalisation in the Slovenian mountains
- GAP-Implementierung