
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 24 Juni 2021

Construction of a sorghum mill

A family business focused on Sorghum cultivation used EAFRD support to set up their own mill and now supply high quality, gluten free Sorghum flour to the Hungarian market.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 20 Apr. 2021

KLIMIS - BBQ briquettes from olive stones

A family-owned business created multiple revenue streams by creating a new product from an olive stone by-product, demonstrating sustainable economic development and environmental protection.

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 01 Apr. 2021

Production of lettuce and herbs using biomass from wood

Investing in cutting edge production techniques (hydroponics in pots) allowed a farmer to fill a gap in the market increasing the availability of vegetables in winter, with minimal environmental impact.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 01 Apr. 2021

An innovative model of production, processing and distribution of herbs in the Zielawa Valley, Poland

An EIP Operational Group developed and tested a unique end-to-end agroforestry production process that is sustainable, profitable for the farm and the processing company, and which benefits consumers through products made in a way that supports the environment.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 30 März 2021

Modernisation of the ‘Farma Bezdínek s.r.o’ agricultural holding

The largest, hi-tech hydroponic greenhouse for growing vegetables in the Czech Republic used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to upgrade its pesticide-free production capacity.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 30 März 2021

Establishing a small cheese production plant on Hrčava Farm

A cheese-making facility was set up on the border between the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia to increase the attractiveness of the area, market local products and create new jobs for the local population.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 28 Sep 2020

Acquiring a combine harvester and a nitrogen testing equipment

A company offering agricultural services to farmers used RDP support to acquire a new combine harvester and a nitrogen testing equipment which regulates the amount of fertiliser applied across the entire crop. 

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 28 Sep 2020

TARK LAUT - Smart cattle housing

A cooperative venture to develop a new generation energy efficient, thermo-regulated, shed for cattle housing.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 28 Sep 2020

Expansion of cow stable in Denmark

A conventional dairy farmer in Denmark used RDP support to build a new stable which enabled reduced production costs and improved animal welfare conditions.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 25 Juni 2020

Environmentally friendly development of a family farm

A family farm used support from multiple Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures to ensure the farm’s viability and diversify towards a quality focused and profit-oriented business. 

  • GAP-Implementierung