General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Measure
The project set up a new company that reaches the smallest villages of the Płońsk district (poviat) with an offer of innovative activities for young people, usually available only in cities. The initiative offers additional educational and cultural activities to rural youth in an innovative way, developing soft skills from an early age, stimulating creativity and encouraging young people to search for innovative ways of acquiring knowledge and learning about modern technologies.
The classes, workshops, lectures, family meetings and competitions primarily target children and adolescents (as well as their families) in areas were cultural and educational activities are usually very limited.
This project provided people from peripheral areas with equal opportunities to strengthen their self-confidence and enable access to key skills and competences that are key on the labour market. The initiative contributed to local development and created an attractive alternative to migration, combatting brain drain.
The project set up 12 mobile stations for learning robotics for children and six stations for computer mnemonic exercises with seniors. Overall, over 2 000 hours of workshop classes took place annually.
The project created three full-time jobs and trained and certified six people in innovative educational methods.
Young people in rural areas had access to constantly updated courses of modern technologies (robotics, 3D printing, electronics). They successfully participated in competitions, which boosted their self-esteem and the pride for their place of origin.
The new company has been able to develop further activities beyond the project period.

Katarzyna Bańkowska
Total budget 16 235 (EUR)
EAFRD 10 330 (EUR)
National/Regional 5 905 (EUR)
Private 0 (EUR)
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