Good Practice - Project

Setting up the ‘Bio Carpathia Agricultural Cooperative’ producer group

A producer group of 20 organic farmers in Romania received key support from CAP funds.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P3. Food chain and risk management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 3A: Agri-food chain integration & quality
    RDP Measure
    • M09: Producers groups & organisations
    Beneficiary type
    • Producer group / cooperative / farmer’s association


    The ‘Bio Carpathia’ association was founded in November 2014 by three organic milk producers. Their aim was to improve their capacity to sell their milk to processors by establishing a short supply chain. This initial project, funded by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), was successful, but it showed the three dairy farmers that short supply chains alone cannot achieve sustainability without an overarching organisation to provide structure and support. They applied again for CAP funds to set up a producer group through which they would be able to improve their skills, diversify and expand their range of products and be better able to reach consumers.


    • The project has created 10 permanent and temporary jobs.
    • The project started with 14 partners and has now increased to 52.
    • The producer group now sells meat, mushrooms, fruits, preserves, honey and bee products, baked goods and natural juices; either fresh, frozen or ready-made.
    • They have established fixed stores, mobile units and an online shop through which they sell their products.
    Setting up the ‘Bio Carpathia Agricultural Cooperative’ producer group - Bio Carpathia Agricultural Cooperative logo

    Bio Carpathia Cooperativa Agricola


    Total budget: 200 000 (EUR)

    EAFRD: 170 000 (EUR)

    National/regional: 30 000 (EUR)



    Romania’s ‘Bio Carpathia’ association was founded in November 2014 by three organic milk producers from Țara Bârsei in Brasov County. It is a mountainous area that is also a tourist attraction due to its rich natural environment and multi-ethnic cultural heritage traditions. The farmers decided to join forces to supply 3 000 litters of milk per day to the ‘Covalact’ milk processor. Their joint operation would enable them to overcome the obstacles presented by their isolated location (such as high transport costs) and allow them to secure a more consistent income over the course of each year.

    Their first European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) financing was accessed through the project entitled ‘Support for horizontal and vertical cooperation between actors in the supply chain’, which was funded by the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme under Measure 16 – ‘Cooperation’ between 2016 and 2018. With that project, they were granted EUR 50 000 to create a short supply chain and it was this that enabled the formation of Bio Carpathia. That project was successful, but it also helped the three dairy farmers to realise that short supply chains on their own cannot achieve sustainability without an internal organisation to provide the structure through which the collective can manage its activities.


    The overarching aim of the project was to establish a producer group in Brasov County. The operational objectives were:

    • To create and develop a short supply chain for organic products.
    • To create a local market for organic agri-food products.
    • To carry out promotional activities.


    • The elaboration and implementation of a business plan detailing the producer group’s planned activities in relation to:
      • adapting the group’s production and products to market requirements.
      • undertaking joint marketing, including preparation for sale, centralisation of sales and supply to wholesale buyers.
      • establishing common rules on production information, paying particular attention to harvesting and availability.
      • organising the specific activities of the producer group members regarding the development of their skills in terms of exploitation and commercialisation and the organisation and facilitation of innovation processes.
    • Specialised partners, such as the University of Transylvania, supported the producer group by providing their training expertise and conducting research, on behalf of the producer group, into new organic products and ecotourism.
    • The producer group developed a network of clients - including well-known restaurants in Brasov - so that they could sell their labelled organic products.
    • The producer group organised and participated in public events, among which the most important were:
      • The ‘BIO CARPATHIA FAIR – an Organic Farmers Fest’ organised in 2019 in partnership with Brașov City Hall. The aim of this fair was to promote local organic farmers and encourage a healthier lifestyle. The event introduced the public to the main producers and processors of certified organic products in the county.
      • Participation in the ‘BIOFACH 2019’ fair, at the Nuremberg Messe, Germany: the largest organic food fair in the world. Bio Carpathia presented its own products, which were very well received, and got to know other producers, which led to important collaborations in subsequent years.

    Main results

    • This project has enabled at least 10 jobs (permanent and temporary) to be created.
    • This second project started with 14 partners and, by 2020, ‘Bio Carpathia’ had increased membership to 20 farmers, all of whom supply organic milk and dairy products. In 2023, it further increased to 52 key partners. These include local public authorities, educational institutions, public catering units, farmers' organisations, agricultural producers, food processors and traders. The producer group has established the foundations of a partnership for the creation of a local brand to sell a large range of local quality organic products.
    • The producer group has diversified its offer and now sells meat, mushrooms, fruits, preserves, honey and bee products, bakery products and natural fruit & vegetable juices. These are sold fresh, frozen or as ready-made products.
    • The producer group established fixed stores and mobile units for the sale of their products.
    • An online shop is also available to sell their products through their website. The website also promotes traditional organic recipes.
    • BIO CARPATHIA continues to conduct communication, information and awareness raising activities at local and regional/national level, through print media and social networks, to ensure the ongoing development of the organic agri-food market.

    Key lessons

    • Bio Carpathia learnt that, while short supply chains are important initiatives, they require organisational structure and a wider ecosystem of support and cooperation around them to achieve sustainability. Support from RDP sub-Measure 9.1 - 'Establishment of associations and organizations of producers in the agricultural and forestry sectors' enabled them to achieve this.
    • Another lesson is that of the importance of capitalising on local tastes by providing consumers with fresh produce. This strengthens the local economy, brings benefits to small farmers and contributes to the prevention of food waste.
    • Certified organic products that are monitored and assured through short supply chains earn high levels of consumer confidence which, ultimately, consolidates the producers' prestige on the local market and ensures the viability and sustainability of their business activities.