Good Practice - Project

Revitalisation project: the Coleman Path in the Aniene Valley

Refurbishment of a mountain path to stimulate economic activity and thus contribute to the revitalisation of the neighbouring rural areas.  

General information

RDP Priority
  • P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
  • 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
  • M07: Basic services & village renewal


Refurbishment of a mountain path to stimulate economic activity and thus contribute to the revitalisation of the neighbouring rural areas.

Rural Development Programme (RDP) support enabled local authorities to improve the functionality and attractiveness of the path and thus stimulate the economic activity in the surrounding rural areas. The restoration activities carried out included the creation of rest areas, installation of fences, benches and tables and restoration of signs along the path.



The refurbishment will increase the attractiveness of the path to the public, both locals and tourists, and will ultimately increase the economic returns which are necessary to improve the general socio-economic situation in the area.

New employment opportunities will emerge in all the areas concerned, favouring, in particular, the creation of new companies engaged in the primary sector (agricultural and agritourism). 

Developments are expected in the sustainability and local demographic spheres especially in the municipalities where outmigration is significant (License, Percile and Cineto Romano).



Comunità Montana dell’Aniene


RDP contribution 300 000 (EUR)



English language


(PDF – 352.83 KB)