
30 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Giovani Dentro - Opportunities and challenges faced by youth in Inner Areas of Italy

Youth migration pressures and patterns better understood in Italian mountain areas thanks to CAP

Good Practice - Project

Rural Youth in focus

Youth strategy tackles rural depopulation challenges in western Finland.  

Good Practice - Project

Rural Working Hubs

Demonstrating the feasibility of rural working hubs in Finland and Ireland  

Good Practice - Project

Rural Future Makers project

A Local Action Group (LAG) in Central Finland created a new network and the enabling conditions for young people to plan and implement their own local development ideas.  

Good Practice - Project

Strengthening regional youth activities in Austria

An example of innovative youth work to support young people to plan and implement their own local development ideas.  

Good Practice - Project

Equipping the healthcare centre in Biertan, Sibiu County, Romania

Using support from the LEADER measure supported the provision of basic healthcare services to a deprived rural community.

Good Practice - Project

Building and equipping of a kindergarten and nursery in village of Gudovac

The construction of a kindergarten and a nursery to increase rural pre-school provision, contribute to improving local services, and help retain young families from the rural areas. 

Good Practice - Project

Elderly family care in the arctic north

Promoting family care services for the elderly in sparsely populated regions in Lapland and Koillismaa.

Good Practice - Project

R:ecovillage – An ecovillage in Röstånga

Revitalising a declining rural community by developing a sustainable ecovillage through learning and networking. 

Good Practice - Project

Restoration of small rural villages in the Media Valle del Tevere

The project was aimed at revitalising small villages that were suffering from depopulation by promoting rural tourism and affirming the cultural identity of the population.