
30 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

ACCESS’R – making services accessible to populations in rural areas

The ACCESS’R project aimed at collecting and disseminating ideas on how to develop new services for people living in rural areas.

Good Practice - Project

El Hueco Oxma – Rural Innovation

A social enterprise used RDP funding to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in one of the most depopulated regions in Europe. 

Good Practice - Project

Iloinen Konkkaronkka – The happy Bunch

Reducing the gap between generations and promoting social cohesion in order to reverse population decline in rural areas.

Good Practice - Project

From fleece to dress, a workshop using by-product of livestock

A rural women’s association used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to organise wool processing training courses and to create employment opportunities by valorising wool, a by-product of sheep meat production.

Good Practice - Project

Revitalisation project: the Coleman Path in the Aniene Valley

Refurbishment of a mountain path to stimulate economic activity and thus contribute to the revitalisation of the neighbouring rural areas.  

Good Practice - Project

Home Living Safety KAT2 project in Finland

A project to help keep elderly people living at home safe and happy.

Good Practice - Project

Café Edelstein – designing a village’s meeting point

In order to strengthen and expand the function of a community café as a focal point of the village community, the outdoor area of the old school hosting the café was rebuilt and designed in such a way that community events can be held outdoors.

Good Practice - Project

Tackling Dementia in a rural area

A community centre used support from the rural development programme to enhance its services and premises in order not to exclude people with Dementia.

Good Practice - Project

Fagersta Södra – supporting immigrants integration

A sports club used RDP support to renovate its facilities and offer a space that contributes to the integration of immigrants in the local society.

Good Practice - Project

In the footsteps of the old flavours of Przeworsk county

A project that aimed to mobilise society, build inter-generational cooperation and promote the region’s culinary tradition as means to preserve its cultural heritage.