General information
RDP Priority
- P4. Ecosystems management
RDP Focus Area
- 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement
RDP Measure
- M07: Basic services & village renewal
With the pilot project Result-based Nature conservation Plan, a result-based approach has been introduced in the Austrian Agri-environmental programme ÖPUL 2015 to pursue nature conservation objectives. Participation is possible for farmers within the ÖPUL-measure “nature conservation”.
Instead of being obliged to comply to pre-defined management activities, the Result-based Nature conservation Plan offers higher flexibility for farmers and more responsibility in implementing management activities. Management activities are decided on parcel level together with the farmer, the ecological expert and the nature conservation department. In doing so, farmers get better informed about the interrelations between management activities and nature conservation development goals and are enabled to develop higher acceptance for nature conservation concerns.
- About 130 farms participate in the Result-based Nature conservation Plan within the AECM “nature conservation” since 2015.
- Farmers are able to see, experience and comprehend the results and benefits of the implemented management activities, and thus better understand nature conservation concerns.

Verein thema:natur. Bildung, Vernetzung, Kommunikation
Total budget 275 178.94 (EUR)
EAFRD 138 410.82 (EUR)
National/regional 136 768.12 (EUR)
(PDF – 696.55 KB)