General information
RDP Priority
- P3. Food chain and risk management
RDP Focus Area
- 3A: Agri-food chain integration & quality
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
Organic farming is very dynamic in Hódmezővásárhely, southern Hungary where Péter Kis’ family farm is located. The farmer cultivates 140 hectares of organic arable crops. However, his harvest could not be cleaned or stored in the nearby silos, which use conventional methods to prevent crop loss. Péter Kis was therefore obliged to sell his crops unprocessed at a low price immediately after harvesting them.
To reverse this income loss and add value to his crops, RDP support was used to build an innovative storage facility with cooling technology suitable for organic crops. A crop cleaner, bridge scale, and forklift were also purchased.
The new storage facility, with its cooling technology, is very efficient and allows the farmer to store his harvest without losses.
By purchasing a cleaning machine, the farm nowsells its cleaned crops at a higher price. This has increased and stabilised the farm’s income.
Thanks to this investment the farmer hired one full-time employee.

Péter Dávid Kis family farm
Total budget 400 000 (EUR)
EAFRD 160 000 (EUR)
National/Regional 40 000 (EUR)
Own funds & loan 200 000 (EUR)
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