General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
The project contributed to enhancing the viability of the agricultural holding AT GEMER (part of AGROTRADE Group – one of the biggest companies in the Slovak agricultural sector) in the Nitra region of south-west Slovakia. Innovative agricultural technologies were used in the application of liquid fertilizers in crop production with the aim to distribute the fertilising liquid slurry correctly with respect to the protection of ground and surface waters.
Project activities included the procurement of agricultural equipment for the utilisation of digestate from a biogas plant including a powerful tractor, an 8-share plough and a cultivator. In addition, a washing area for agricultural machinery and an extension of the storage lagoons for slurry were constructed.
- Additional crops can be grown on an area of 200 hectares of arable land. The whole area is now covered with an irrigation network for utilising the water-diluted liquid digestate and liquid manure.
- Increased efficiency, soil protection, conservation of soil fertility and soil quality has been achieved by utilising the liquid manure / digestate from the biogas plant.
- 5 new permanent jobs were and it is expected to create about 10-15 permanent and seasonal jobs.

AT GEMER, spol s r.o.
Total budget 1 462 530.04 (EUR)
EAFRD 548 448.76 (EUR)
National/Region. 182 816.26 (EUR)
Private 731 265.02 (EUR)
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