Good Practice - Project

Kobrit OÜ – Producing a high-quality natural fertiliser from cattle manure

An agricultural company used LEADER funds to develop a range of soil mixtures suitable for organic vegetable production.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD


    The Kobrit OÜ agricultural company received LEADER support to carry out research into new soil mixture recipes based on biohumus that would be suitable for organic vegetable production. In cooperation with their research partners, the company conducted a series of experiments with different soil mixtures in greenhouse conditions over a period of two years. This resulted in the development of new soil mixtures.


    • The project helped to develop six different products that are 100% natural and suitable for organic farmers.
    • The company’s sales revenue has increased by 140%.
    • Three new jobs have been created.

    Kobrit OÜ


    Total budget 9 385.00 (EUR)

    RDP support 5 631.00(EUR)

    Private/own funds 3 754.00 (EUR)


    English language

    Good Practice Report - Horse breeding with the establishment of the horse-riding centre

    (PDF – 1.91 MB)


    Kobrit OÜ is an agricultural company that uses cattle manure to produce high-quality vermicompost (biohumus). Worms are used to break down the organic material of the manure and convert it into a nutrient-rich organic substance that can be used as fertiliser. The biohumus produced by Kobrit OÜ is an ideal product for organic vegetable growers in Estonia. As organic farming is a burgeoning trend in the country, the availability of such locally produced, eco-friendly products will help to enable swift and sustainable growth in the sector.


    The company’s aim is to offer Estonian vegetable growers a new type of natural fertiliser (biohumus) that will reduce the negative environmental impact of intensive agriculture. In practical terms, the company aimed to develop special soil mixtures that are suitable for pre-growing seedlings and for growing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, basil, radishes, watercress and other salads. The new soil mixtures, once launched on the market, would expand the company’s product range, increase their turnover and contribute to ensuring their sustainability.


    Project activities implemented in cooperation with the Tartu College of Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian Plant Breeding Institute and the Estonian University of Life Sciences included:

    • Designing the test methodology.
    • Conducting experiments with different soil mixtures to grow different vegetables in greenhouse conditions for two years. 
    • Analysing the chemical composition of the different soil mixtures used.
    • Preparing the recipes for producing the different soil mixtures.
    • Preparing the research reports and communicating the results of the project. 

    Main results

    • After the end of the project activities, the company developed rapidly.
    • The project helped to develop six different products which are 100% natural and suitable for organic farmers. These products are sold under the brand Ussimo. The company aims to further expand its range of products in the future.
    • Their sales revenue has increased by 140%.
    • Three new jobs have been created.

    Key lessons and recommendations

    • The involvement of research institutions was a key success factor in the development of these new products. There are many scientific and research institutions in Estonia - as there are in other Member States of Europe - who are keen to partner with the agrifood sector and support companies to develop new, environmentally friendly products and practices.

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