Good Practice - Project

FAKT - Results-based agri-environment scheme for permanent grasslands

A results-based agri-environment scheme (AES) for permanent grasslands in Baden-Württemberg.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Germany
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Germany

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P4. Ecosystems management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement
    RDP Measure
    • M10: Agri-environment-climate


    The state of the agricultural landscapes and biodiversity in Europe continues to be poor. High Nature Value (HNV) and bird indicators show that the quality of natural habitats and biodiversity is continuously deteriorating. Therefore, effective, easier to implement and more flexible agri-environment schemes (AES) are needed. 

    This was the remit for the support scheme for agri-environment, climate protection and animal welfare (Förderprogramm für Agrarumwelt, Klimaschutz und Tierwohl – FAKT) established under the Baden-Württemberg Rural Development Programme. It is a results-based AES for the management of species-rich permanent grasslands with at least four to six indicator species. Farmers under the scheme are compensated for their success in restoring nature, which is measured according to a predefined method for determining the occurrence of a select number of characteristic indicator plant species.


    Since 2014, over 20 000 ha of extensive grasslands have been supported under this AES in Baden-Württemberg. 

    Over 5 000 farmers have participated in the scheme.

    The scheme is now being offered or introduced in six other German federal states (Länder). 


    Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz, Abteilung Landwirtschaft


    Total budget 5 050 000 (EUR)
    EAFRD 2 780 000 (EUR)
    National/Regional 2 270 000 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 365.86 KB)