General information
RDP Priority
- P1. Knowledge transfer and innovation
RDP Focus Area
- 1B: Links with research & innovation
RDP Measure
- M16: Cooperation
Finland’s forestry sector has seen major structural changes over past decades, which have hit forest owners’ incomes. The market for mushrooms for food and medicine is growing, providing potential new added value from forestry. Analysis was needed to ensure the safety and quality of the products produced for the market.
The Finnish Natural Resources Institute used EAFRD funding to develop mushroom production methods, including field trials to find the best varieties, controls to ensure best practices and communication of information on the results. Amateur enthusiasts helped in the identification of species.
Creation of a new value chain, providing additional sources of revenue for forest owners.
Development of new mushroom products for food an medicines.
Increasing numbers of forest owners participating in the project.
New start-ups launched to provide services to mushroom producers.

Natural Resources Institute Finland
Total budget 301 500.4 (EUR)
EAFRD 101 304.1 (EUR)
National/Regional 139 896.2 (EUR)
Private 60 300.1 (EUR)
(PDF – 397.35 KB)
Henri Vanhanen