Good Practice - Project

CAP-funded cooperation catalyses more and better organic production in Tuscany

CAP-funded cooperation catalyses more and better organic production in Tuscany.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Italy
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Italy

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P5. Resource efficiency and climate
    RDP Focus Area
    • 5A: Water use efficiency
    RDP Measure
    • M16: Cooperation


    Organic production was improved by CAP funds in Italy that were used by a partnership of 16 farms, three agri-food firms, three R&D centres and two producers’ consortia. These applied cooperative principles to test innovative actions and solve challenges which collectively resulted building the capacity of farmers to provide value chains with more and better organic products - for domestic and trade markets.


    • Agri-food producers reduced the use of certain pesticides by 30%.
    • Watermelon producers reduced their consumption of nitrogen fertilisers, water, and energy by an average of 20% compared to conventional farming methods.
    • The farms involved in the project gained an average price increase of 20% compared to conventional production.



    Total budget 490 570 (EUR)
    EAFRD 142 005 (EUR)
    National/Regional 187 321 (EUR)
    Private 161 244 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 420.25 KB)