Good Practice - Project


The project saw an unused calves’ shed converted into a farm shop selling organic products.

General information

RDP Priority
  • P3. Food chain and risk management
RDP Focus Area
  • 3A: Agri-food chain integration & quality
RDP Measure
  • M04: Investments in physical assets


The family farm Biofarma ARNOŠTICE in Bohemia historically focused on beef cattle production. In 2006, it was certified as organic and sold meat from the farm. The owner decided to expand the range of products he sold and so he acquired an unused calves’ shed which he aimed to convert it into a farm shop. In 2016, he used RDP support to reconstruct the old building and purchase equipment for the shop, including equipment for processing meat.  


The merchandise that is available in the shop increased significantly. This is appreciated by existing customers and brought in new customers as well.

As the range of produce has expanded, the farm income has gradually increased.


Jaroslav Bulva


Total budget 46 862 (EUR)
EAFRD 6 001 (EUR)
National/Regional 6 490 (EUR)
Private 34 371 (EUR)



English language


(PDF – 312.06 KB)