Good Practice - Project

Andrzej Waszczyszyn: Family farm modernisation

Farm modernisation: Holding quality to account and thereby ensuring the future sustainability of a family farm in Poland.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Lechowo, Polen
    - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Lechowo, Polen

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P2. Competitiveness
    RDP Focus Area
    • 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
    RDP Measure
    • M04: Investments in physical assets
    Beneficiary type
    • Farmer / land manager


    Andrzej Waszczyszyn's family farm in Lechowo, Poland, specialises in livestock and crop production - maize and grass. Thanks to the use of CAP support, the holding has modernised over the years and has developed, step by step, from a holding of 18 ha in 1991 to utilising an area of 82 ha to date. The main line of business is dairy cattle breeding. Thanks to the investments made over the years, the prospects for survival of the farm have improved by focusing on enhancing product quality and overall competitiveness. Support from the rural development programme was used to construct silos, a shed for crops and to purchase a calf-feeding station.


    • The enhanced product quality and increased competitiveness of the farm has improved the income of the holding, which is now operating with a profit and has therefore maintained its future sustainability.
    • This investment increased the overall volume and quality of production on the farm.
    • The improved quality of the cattle feed has increased the yield and quality of meat and thereby the profitability of the farm.
    • Purchasing a calf-feeding station has reduced the amount of time needed for watering the animals.

    Gospodarstwo Rolne Andrzej Waszczyszyn


    RDP support: 1 030 000 (PLN)


    English language

    Good Practice Report - Andrzej Waszczyszyn: Family farm modernisation

    (PDF – 413.31 KB)


    Andrzej Waszczyszyn's family farm in Lechowo, Poland, was established in 1991 with an area of approximately 18 ha for livestock and crop production (maize and grass). By 2005, livestock production increased and the acreage was gradually being expanded accordingly. Today, the main line of business is dairy cattle breeding and the farm covers an area of approx. 82 ha, part of which is leased land. The herd on the farm consists of about 230 animals, including 120 dairy cows, 12 bulls, 40 heifers (cows that have not borne a calf yet) and more than 60 calves. A modern free stall barn system ensures the improved welfare of the animals.

    Over the years, Mr. Waszczyszyn has accessed EU funds twice, implementing a step by step process of modernisation of his holding. First, he used support from the 2007-2013 rural development programme to purchase a tractor, a wheelbarrow, a disc harrow and a mini loader. A few years later, in 2018, the farm increasingly struggled with the relatively small area of farmland by comparison with the herd size, which started to affect the efficiency of the animals. The farm’s stocking rate afforded a larger area of grassland and pasture for grazing, as well as maize fields for growing forage. In addition, there was only limited space available for calving and farrowing and the field work was becoming inefficient due to a lack of machinery.


    The overall aim of the project was to improve the competitiveness and product quality of the farm and of its outputs. This should lead to an improvement of the overall sustainability of the farm in future. The objective, therefore, was to invest in a storage facility for concentrated feed (silos), a new shed for crops and a calf-feeding station to ensure the future of the herd.


    The project featured the following activities:

    • Creating a storage facility for concentrated feed (silos).
    • Constructing a shed for crops.
    • Purchasing a calf-feeding station.

    Main results

    • Thanks to the investments made, the survival prospects of the family farm on the market have improved through enhanced product quality and increased competitiveness. This has contributed to a better income of the holding and a more sustainable future for the family farm that is now operating with a profit.
    • The investment has increased the volume and quality of production due to the improved quality of the cattle feed in terms of increased intake of dry matter, improved yield and quality of the milk.
    • The higher quality of the fodder had the effect of reducing the risk of developing reproductive and metabolic disorders in the cattle. All this had a positive impact on the profitability of milk production on the farm.
    • Introducing modern technologies, such as the preservation and better storage of green fodder in sheds and silos, has led to a reduction in losses in fodder caused by weather variability.
    • Purchasing the calf-feeding station has reduced the amount of time needed for watering the animals.

    Key lessons

    • For Mr Waszczyszyn, his profession is not only a job, but also a passion focusing continuously on developing and improving his knowledge of agriculture. His investments and innovations are considered thoroughly and this deep-dive approach has benefited his farm in many respects. For example, the farm has a modern cowshed with a milking parlour, the animals are of a very good breed, the dairy cows are under milking control and the welfare needs of the farm are met. Now silos store concentrate feed and the farm also has a slurry tank, thus demonstrating environmental care. In addition, a photovoltaic system has been implemented. Thinking ahead and keeping up with developments and investments have ensured the continuous sustainability of the family farm.
    • Planned investments still to be made include the expansion of the calf and farrowing house and the purchase of a new tractor with a self-propelled trailer, as well as increasing the farm's acreage through the purchase or lease of additional agricultural land.