Good Practice - Project

Äerdschëff - Earthship Luxembourg

The Äerdschëff is the first public Earthship building in the world and will serve as a place to document, educate and research as well as stimulate curiosity and creativity about future-proof living and the circular economy.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Luxembourg
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Luxembourg

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD


    In the 21st century, human society has developed an unsustainable lifestyle characterised by the overconsumption of energy, water, materials and food. In addition, through these current modes of consumption, most people have lost many practical, low-tech skills and the knowledge of how to use natural resources in a sustainable way.

    The project focused on the design and construction of an Earthship, which is a type of passive solar earth shelter constructed by natural and upcycled materials, such as earth-packed tyres. The Äerdschëff (Earthship in Luxembourgish) is adapted to the European context, particularly to Luxembourg’s climatic conditions and to the more demanding standards of European environmental legislation. Its components have been evolved to include a non-fossil fuel-based cooking system, a state-of-the-art drinking water purification/filtration system, on-site treatment of blackwater as well as the production of food in the building through closed-loop aquaponics production systems. During the LEADER funding phase (2015-2016), the project team designed the project and trained two people on Biotecture in New Mexico (USA) at the Earthship Academy. An educational programme on sustainable living was also developed for schools and adults. 


    Some 3 000 people were reached through communication actions.

    Fifty people were actively involved in the participatory building process.

    Some of the key performance indicators of the educational programme for 2020-2023 are listed below:

    • develop nine educational modules;
    • establish two partnerships with schools by the middle of the project period and five by the end;
    • ten secondary schools to have participated in the educational programme;
    • forty participants/students visiting per week for 40 weeks a year (subject to additional funding);
    • a number of regional partners involved through regular (+/- 10) or one-off (+/- 15) Äerdschëff activities annually; and
    • media coverage two to three times a year.

    CELL – Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg


    Total budget 1 870 368.34 (EUR)
    EAFRD 18 221.00 (EUR)
    National/Regional 12 147.34 (EUR)
    Other 1 840 000.00 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 381.56 KB)