Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States
The EU CAP Network seminar 'Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States' took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June 2023. Participation was by invitation only.
- English
- Lithuania
The EU CAP Network seminar 'Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States' aimed to support EU Member States in the implementation of their AKIS Strategic Plans, namely by promoting efficient knowledge and innovation flows across the EU. The event focused on exchanging experiences and inspiring examples, and shared plans to help organise and support effective knowledge creation and knowledge exchange between all AKIS actors.
You can find all seminar documents, presentations, videos, and a photo selection below.
Day 1: Wednesday 14 June 2023
- Opening address – Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General, DG AGRI, European Commission: video
- Welcome by Rimtautas Petraitis, Lithuanian AKIS cluster: video
Setting the scene
- AKIS coordination in practice – Inge Van Oost, DG AGRI, European Commission: video
- AKIS in Horizon work programmes – Natalia Brzezina, Research and Innovation Unit, DG AGRI, European Commission: video
Concrete examples of AKIS coordination models in Member States
- Elena Teodora Miron, Horizon Europe project 'modernAKIS': video
- Helena Pärenson, Ministry of Rural Affairs, Estonia: video
- Petra Hanulikova | Monika Csonkova, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Slovak Republic: video
- Ewa Grodzka, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland: video
- Maite Ambros Mendioroz, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain: video
- Introduction to the interactive session – 'AKIS coordination in practice' – Mark Gibson, Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI: video
- Introduction to the interactive sessions – 'Involvement, roles and interactions of key actors to ensure a well-functioning AKIS' & 'Interlinkages between AKIS interventions to increase knowledge flows' – Mark Gibson, Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI: video
- Day 1 Q&A – facilitated by Sarah Watson, Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI: video
Day 2: Thursday 15 June 2023
Setting the scene
- Integrating advisors in the AKIS – Inge Van Oost, DG AGRI, European Commission: video
- Advisors interacting with AKIS Horizon projects – Natalia Brzezina, Research and Innovation Unit, DG AGRI, European Commission: video
Inspiring examples on the roles and tools supporting advisors in the AKIS in Member States
- Jan Van Esch, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Netherlands: video
- Els Lapage, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Flemish Government: video
- Florian Herzog, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Advisory services coordination: video
- Carola Ketelhodt, Chamber of Agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, EIP-Agrar Innovation Office: video
- Patrizia Proietti, Horizon Europe project 'AttractISS': video
- Introduction to the interactive session – 'Good examples on roles and tools supporting advisors in the AKIS in Member States' – Mark Gibson, Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI: video
- Closing remarks – Hugo Almeida, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission: video
Playlist: AKIS Seminar presentations
Specific objectives
The seminar specifically:
- Discussed AKIS models in Member States, and the various approaches of AKIS Coordination Bodies in supporting a well-functioning AKIS;
- Discussed the different roles of advisors, including their role as innovation support providers, and discuss what is needed for upskilling their competence and for their integration in AKIS, learning from already existing experiences with the implementation of related CAP interventions.
Target group
The seminar welcomed key actors who influence the AKIS Strategic Approach in Member States, including:
- AKIS Coordination Bodies, organising AKIS implementation in their Member States
- Managing Authorities, involved in advice, training, EIP Operational Groups, and designing relevant CAP interventions
- Advisors, who should become integrated in the AKIS
- NSUs from National CAP Networks (NRNs), to promote the AKIS Strategic Approach to all AKIS actors.
In the last decade, a greater emphasis has been placed on cooperation between researchers, advisors, farmers and other actors in Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), highlighting the importance of exchanging agricultural knowledge and innovative solutions, namely through the EIP-AGRI.
Further support is needed to bridge the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Horizon Europe, to bring together all knowledge that is generated in these two policies, and to enhance synergies between the two.
As emphasised in the EU Communication on the Future of Food and Farming, access to reliable, relevant, and new knowledge varies widely across the EU. This reduces the overall competitiveness and development potential of the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas. Therefore, the exchange of knowledge and focus on innovation is a cross-cutting objective for the new CAP. A well-functioning AKIS will contribute to all objectives of the CAP, and ensure a more efficient flow of knowledge among its actors, creating significant added value for the sector.
Language of the event: English.
Interpretation from / to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish was available in the plenary sessions.
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Additional info
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development & Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange including EIP-AGRI
EU CAP Network
Speaker and facilitator bios
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Participants list
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Short report
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AKIS-related provisions for the CAP SP Regulation
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Tools for the CAP Cross-Cutting Objective
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Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Cluster - more opportunities to create and innovate, Rimautas Petraitis, Lithuanian AKIS Cluster
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AKIS coordination in practice: Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States, Inge van Oost, DG AGRI
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AKIS in Horizon work programmes, Natalia Brzezina, DG AGRI
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AKIS Coordination Bodies - Examples collected during the ModernAKIS project, Elena-Teodora Miron, Horizon Project 'ModernAKIS'
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AKIS Coordination in Estonia, Helena Pärenson, Ministry of Rural Affairs (Estonia)
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Building AKIS in Slovakia, Petra Hanulikova and Monika Csonkova, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Slovak Republic)
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The AKIS coordination model in Poland, Ewa Grodzka Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Poland)
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Spanish AKIS Coordination Body set, Maite Ambrós Mendioroz, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Spain)
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Summary A-B: AKIS Coordination Practices, Mark Gibson, EIP-AGRI Support Facility
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Summary C: Involvement, roles and interactions of key actors to ensure a well-functioning AKIS
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Summary D: Interlinkages between AKIS interventions to increase knowledge flows, Mark Gibson, EIP-AGRI Support Facility
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Integrating advisors in the AKIS, Inge Van Oost, DG AGRI
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Advisors interacting with AKIS Horizon projects, Natalia Brzezina, DG AGRI
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Roles and tools supporting advisors in the AKIS in the Netherlands, Jan van Esch, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality (the Netherlands)
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Knowledge e-wallet: Voucher system for training and advice, Els Lapage, Flemish Government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
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Roles and tools supporting advisors in the AKIS; Florian Herzog, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Advisory services coordination
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Experiences from innovation support service and EIP projects in Schleswig, Carola Ketelhodt, Chamber of agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, EIP-Agrar Innovation office
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ATTRACTISS - Building a deeper understanding of innovation support services, Patrizia Proietti, Horizon Europe project ATTRACTISS
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Summary E: Roles and tools supporting advisors, Mark Gibson, EIP-AGRI Support Facility
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