Publication - Event Reports |

Seminar 'Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in MS'

This report presents the main results of the EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States’, which was held on 14 and 15 June 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

  • Cross-cutting impacts
People planting a tree together showing collaboration and sustainability

Over the last decade, the need to look at the concept of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in a broader context, emphasising the importance of agricultural knowledge and innovation exchange, has become stronger. Cooperation between researchers, advisors, farmers, and other types of actors, with the need for innovative solutions, is gaining momentum, specifically through the EIP-AGRI.

As emphasised in the EU Communication on the Future of Food and Farming, access to reliable, relevant, and new knowledge varies widely across the EU, impacting the overall competitiveness and development potential of the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas. Therefore, the exchange of knowledge and the focus on innovation is a cross-cutting objective for the new Common Agricultural Policy: a well-functioning AKIS will contribute to all CAP objectives and ensure a high flow of knowledge among its actors, creating significant added value for the sector.

The overall aim of this seminar was to support Member States in the implementation of their AKIS Strategic Plans, namely by promoting efficient knowledge and innovation flows across the EU. The event focused on exchanging experiences and inspiring examples, as well as sharing Member States’ plans for organising and supporting effective knowledge creation and exchange between the different AKIS actors. As such, it provided opportunities to share and discuss:

  • The various approaches of different AKIS Coordination Bodies to supporting a well-functioning AKIS;
  • The different roles of advisors, including their role as innovation support providers, and how they can best be integrated into AKIS, learning from existing experience of the implementation of related CAP interventions.


EU CAP Network


English language

Final Report - Fostering an effective and integrated AKIS in Member States - EU CAP Network Seminar

(PDF – 6.88 MB – 26 pages)