EU CAP Network Seminar ‘On-farm demonstrations for peer-to-peer learning & innovation’
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
- Agricultural Productivity
- Economic impacts
- Fostering Knowledge & Innovation
- Networking
The EU CAP Network Seminar ‘On-farm demonstrations for peer-to-peer learning & innovation’ will be held on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 June 2025.
Organised by EU CAP Network
- English
- Venice, Italy
- In-person

The call for participation has now closed.
The agenda outline is available below.
The main objectives of the seminar are to promote the use of on-farm demonstrations as an essential tool for peer-to-peer learning and to improve the setting up and visibility of demonstration farms, as well as to foster their networks and connections with other relevant initiatives.
Specific objectives include:
• Highlighting best practices in the organisation of on-farm demonstrations, including facilitation for peer-to-peer learning.
• Discussing the structural and practical challenges and opportunities for setting up, financing, operating, and managing demonstration farms and their networks, and embedding them in the AKIS structures.
• Exploring the role of on-farm demonstrations during and after EIP-AGRI Operational Groups (OGs) and Horizon projects in improving the uptake of new knowledge and innovation by farmers.
• Assessing what is missing and what can be improved to reach scale and harness the full potential of on-farm demonstrations and demonstration farms for the benefit of farmers.
Main Target Groups
Priority will be given to:
- Representatives from demonstration farms and networks
- Farmers and farmer associations
- Representatives from EIP-AGRI OGs
- Representatives from Horizon multi-actor projects related to on-farm demonstration activities (e.g., living labs and lighthouse farms, thematic and advisory networks, demo farm projects)
- Representatives from agricultural schools
- CAP Strategic Plans Managing Authorities and National CAP Networks (who will be directly invited)
- Advisors and researchers
For any questions, please contact
Background information
On-farm demonstrations are effective methods for exchanging know-how and peer-to-peer learning, showcasing innovative and practical solutions, tools, and technologies to farmers and other interested actors. They serve as platforms for training and capacity building to implement innovations in practice. These demonstrations typically occur on demonstration farms, lighthouse farms, living labs, or experimental farms, and can also be set up as training sites within agricultural schools or research institutes.
Under the CAP Strategic Plans, Member States may grant support for on-farm demonstrations. Networks of demonstration farms on specific topics are being established as integral parts of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS). At the EU level, R&I programmes—Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe—also promote on-farm demonstrations through living labs and lighthouse farms, which are important spaces for place-based experimentation, testing, and peer-to-peer learning. On-farm demonstrations are also used to promote solutions developed by EIP-AGRI OGs and Horizon-funded multi-actor projects, thus supporting the dissemination of their results.
The Study on outcomes achieved by EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects under the CAP highlights the important role of on-farm demonstrations in disseminating innovative outcomes and facilitating peer-to-peer learning. However, there are insufficient demonstration farms where innovation can be tested and showcased on a significant scale. This could be a major challenge to the wider uptake of innovation created by OGs. Moreover, the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU Agriculture advises effective dissemination of skills and strengthening of innovation/experimental hubs (eg. demo farms) where farmers and other actors can learn and assess new technologies in real-life settings.
In this context, this seminar will focus on highlighting the benefits of on-farm demonstration activities as a key tool for peer-to-peer learning, regardless of the funding source (CAP, Horizon or other funding sources). The seminar will also promote the exchange of good practices, providing inspiration for setting up new demonstration farms, their connections and networks, and embedding on-farm demonstration activities systematically within existing AKIS structures.
Outline Agenda - EU CAP Network seminar: ‘On-farm demonstrations for peer-to-peer learning & innovation’
(PDF – 262.86 KB)
Additional info
Mestre Venice VE Italy
EU CAP Network
EU Stakeholders
Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI
EU CAP Network
Selection Criteria - seminar ‘Onfarm demonstrations for peer-topeer learning & innovation’
(PDF – 154.23 KB)