Event - Conference

5th Waseda Brussels Conference Global Sustainable Food Supply

This event is undertaken in the framework of Moonshot Goal 5 research program and sponsored by the Waseda University Brussels Office. It covers a wide range of research areas aimed at producing a sustainable global food supply and consumption, with respect to the natural environment.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Universitätsstiftung, Raum Félicien Cattier, - Brüssel, Belgium
  • In-person
Moonshot Goal 5 Conference Banner

The Moonshot Goal 5 is pursuing Creation of industry that enables sustainable global food supply by exploiting unused biological resources by 2050. The global demand for food is estimated to increase 70% by 2050. Since excessive focus on production efficiency would hamper the cyclical function of the earth, it is essential to establish a food production system friendly to the global environment while increasing the food supply. Moonshot Goal 5 aims to address the issue with eight R&D projects, which are promoted by the Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution.

With the formation of agrarian societies, humankind has acquired a stable method of sustainable food supply. However, with the dramatic expansion of human activities in recent years, the sustainable supply of food, which is an indispensable part of human existence, is facing critical challenges. Finding solutions to these challenges is not only a great responsibility we have for the future of food security, but also an unprecedented global-scale challenge which must be approached with a clear vision as well as through a design approach by thinking outside the box.

Within the Moonshot program, five projects have already been launched in the theme of “Food Production Systems Achieving Both Food Supply Expansion and Global Environment Conservation,” and two in the theme of “Food Consumption Systems Realizing Zero Food-loss and Waste” to realize the future vison shown in the figure hereafter.

Being there clear areas of convergence between the research and development programs in Europe and Japan, this is an opportunity to present the latest ideas and discuss future activities with European and Japanese researchers!


English language

5th Waseda Brussels Conference Global Sustainable Food Supply - Program

(PDF – 285.67 KB)

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Universitätsstiftung, Raum Félicien Cattier,

Egmontstraße 11 Brüssel 1000 Belgium

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Waseda University Brussels Office

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