Event - Thematic Group meeting

2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans

This was the second meeting of the Thematic Group on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans, facilitated by the CAP Implementation Contact Point.

  • Organised by EU CAP Network
  • 20 Feb 2024
  • English
  • EU CAP Network - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
fields of flowers

The Thematic Group (TG) on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans aims to observe and discuss Member States' experiences in the design and implementation of eco-schemes, to identify what is working well and what issues are arising in terms of uptake of eco-schemes.

Eco-schemes are a major new intervention under the direct payments part of the CAP for the 2023-27 period. Eco-schemes are annual commitments for carrying out a wide range of practices and rewarding and incentivising farmers for taking action towards more sustainable farm and land management. These schemes play an important role in enhancing the delivery of environmental, climate and animal welfare targets that contribute to the achievement of the European Green Deal and the objectives of the Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy. Member States designed eco-schemes according to their environmental and climate needs.  

The second meeting of the TG discussed in detail the topics that TG members have identified as priorities during the in-between the meetings’ activities; explored the role of eco-schemes in relation to the overall green architecture and proposed recommendations on how to improve design and uptake of interventions to increase climate and environmental ambition.

Aims of the second TG meeting: 

  • Continue to share insights on good practices on: Eco-schemes and their interaction with other elements of the Green architecture; administrative issues (controls, payments, application procedures), raising awareness, and targeting/regionalising eco-schemes.  
  • Develop ideas and recommendations for improvements that could be made toward both eco-scheme design and /or implementation in future years, in order to secure the widespread adoption of sustainable farming practices in the EU with a view to enhancing environmental and climate outcomes.  


English language

Agenda - Thematic group on Eco-schemes

(PDF – 132.07 KB)

Additional info


EU CAP Network

Avenue des Arts, 9 Brussels 1210 Belgium