1st meeting of the Thematic Group on Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans
This was the first meeting of the Thematic Group on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans, facilitated by the CAP Implementation Contact Point.
- English
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The Thematic Group (TG) on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans aims to observe and discuss Member States' experiences in the design and implementation of eco-schemes, to identify what is working well and what issues are arising in terms of uptake of eco-schemes.
Eco-schemes are a major new intervention under the direct payments part of the CAP for the 2023-27 period. Eco-schemes are annual commitments for carrying out a wide range of practices and rewarding and incentivising farmers for taking action towards more sustainable farm and land management. These schemes play an important role in enhancing the delivery of environmental, climate and animal welfare targets that contribute to the achievement of the European Green Deal and the objectives of the Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy. Member States designed eco-schemes according to their environmental and climate needs.
Being at an early stage of implementation - the CSPs came into force in January 2023 - this first meeting will focus on Member States' experiences in the design, implementation and short- and medium-term plans for the development of eco-schemes.
Aims of the first TG meeting:
- Exchange experiences on the design and implementation of eco-schemes across Member States and their interaction with other parts of the Green Architecture.
- Identify and share what is working well and what issues are arising in terms of uptake of eco-schemes. This includes discussions on possible reasons that hinder the uptake of eco-schemes as well as solutions to help overcome the identified issues.
- Share lessons learnt from the first year of implementation of eco-schemes and amendments considered in the short and medium-term.
Final Agenda - Thematic Group (TG) on the Design and Implementation of Eco-schemes in the new CAP Strategic Plans
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Introduction - Eirini Litina, EU CAP Network, CAP Implementation Contact Point
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CAP Strategic Plans Ecoschemes Overview - Leon van de Pol, DG AGRI
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Member State's Perspectives - The case of the Netherlands - Fenna van Selm, Ministry of Agriculture Netherlands
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Member State's Perspectives - The case of Hungary - Istvan Madarasz, Ministry of Agriculture Hungary
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Member State's Perspectives - The case of Spain - Mar Llorente-Alonso, Ministry of Agriculture Spain
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Member State's Perspectives - The case of Germany - Anja Techen, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Germany
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Overview of key issues identified in the EoI - Lisa Haller, EU CAP Network, CAP Implementation Contact Point
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Parallel Group session - Advisors' Perspective- Christos Karatzas, AGRENAOS
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Parallel Group session - Environmental NGO's Perspective - Tatiana Nemcová, BirdLife Europe
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Miro board - Group 1
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Miro board - Group 2
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Miro board - Group 3
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