Youth Reflections on the Young LEADER Forum
Read perspectives from the young delegates from the EU CAP Network's Young LEADER Forum who explain what was most useful about the event and how they are using what they learned at the Forum in June.
Comprendre la valeur ajoutée de LEADER
Une nouvelle série de lignes directrices du Réseau européen de la PAC est disponible pour aider les Groupes d'Action Locale (GAL) et les autorités de gestion à évaluer la valeur ajoutée de LEADER.
Encouraging community-led nature restoration with LEADER
LEADER can encourage community-led nature restoration,and this provides possibilities for economic opportunities in the Member States.
Dernières publications
2022 Annual Evaluation Report of the Marche RDP
The document, covering 2021, reports the results of the LEADER approach, more specifically on the support activities to Local Action Groups (LAG) on the self-assessment of Local Development Strategies and the evaluation of local integrated projects.
CAP Evaluation News – September 2024
Assessing the outcomes of the EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects
Évaluation de LEADER au Pays de Galles
L'évaluation visait à évaluer la mise en œuvre de LEADER au Pays de Galles au cours de la période de programmation 2014-2020 et la manière dont LEADER contribue au développement local dans les zones rurales.