Tous les évènements
Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) - 9th meeting
The ninth meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) will be held in Brussels on Thursday 5 June 2025.
Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) - 8th meeting
The eighth meeting of the Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) will be held in Brussels on Tuesday 11 March 2025.
Assemblée du Réseau européen de la PAC — 3ème réunion
La 3e réunion de l'assemblée du Réseau européen de la PAC aura lieu à Bruxelles le 5 décembre 2024.
Cérémonie de remise des prix ARIA 2024
La cérémonie de remise des prix de la deuxième édition des Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards aura lieu le 4 décembre 2024 à Bruxelles.
10ème conférence annuelle de l'UE sur les instruments financiers du FEADER
Cet événement est organisé par la Direction Générale Agriculture et Développement Rural (DG AGRI) de la Commission européenne et la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI). Les inscriptions seront ouvertes à l'été 2024.
Focus Group 'Local perennial plant genetic resources in view of climate change and biodiversity loss' - 1st meeting
This is the first meeting of the Focus Group 'Local perennial plant genetic resources in view of climate change and biodiversity loss'.
Focus Group 'Alternative solutions for livestock product differentiation' - 1st meeting
This is the first meeting of the Focus Group 'Alternative solutions for livestock product differentiation'.
Focus Group 'Production of protein crops under climate change' - 1st meeting
This is the first meeting of the Focus Group 'Production of protein crops under climate change'.
European Conference "Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains"
Be part of our European Conference “Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains”! Join us for a transformative event dedicated to the crucial role of biodiversity in the global food supply chain.
2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Enhancing Biodiversity on Farmland for Improved Resilience
This is the 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Enhancing Biodiversity on Farmland for Improved Resilience.