EU level CAP evaluation framework

Woman with Tablet Computer Touching Green Wheat Plant in Field

The EU level CAP evaluation framework captures the possible data sources for the EU level interim evaluation of the CAP that the European Commission must carry out before the end of 2026, according to Article 141 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115.

It is part of a wider activity of methodological support provided to the Commission by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP, which, additionally, includes the identification, description and prioritisation of data and attribution gaps, and proposed actions to close the ones with the highest priorities.

This interactive tool addresses all five evaluation criteria:

  • For effectiveness, an overarching evaluation question is formulated at the level of each CAP general objective. This question is further specified using sub-questions corresponding to the key elements that must be assessed for each CAP specific objective.
  • For the other evaluation criteria (efficiency, relevance, coherence, Union added value), the structure does not follow the breakdown of general and specific objectives to avoid repetitions. Instead, one or more overarching evaluation questions are formulated at the level of the evaluation criterion, followed by sub-questions that correspond to the key elements that must be assessed for each criterion.
  • For each sub-question, one or more factors of success are defined to set the basis for judging the effectiveness of the policy and answering the evaluation (sub-)questions. Each factor of success is then assigned output, result, impact and, in most cases, context indicators, along with the corresponding data sources, that can be used to measure success.

How to use this interactive page?

Use the navigation bar at the left side of the page to jump across the different general or specific objectives or the different evaluation criteria.

In the central part of the page, the evaluation questions are classified per CAP general objectives and specific objectives. Within each specific objective, information is sorted per key evaluation elements and corresponding sub-questions.

Under each key evaluation element, the factors of success are listed in collapsed structures. Click on any factor of success to expand it and find out more about the associated indicators and data sources.

The indicators marked with a single asterisk (*) do not belong to the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PMEF) but are available in EU-level data sources.

Indicators marked with a double asterisk (**) do not belong to the PMEF, and there is no EU-level data source for their calculation. All other indicators belong to the PMEF.

This framework is part of a broader activity of methodological support provided by the Evaluation Helpdesk, which additionally includes the identification, description and prioritisation of data and attribution gaps and proposed actions to close the ones with the highest priorities.

For more detailed information, see the full report here

General Objective 1

To what extent has the CAP contributed to a smarter, more competitive, more resilient and more diversified agricultural sector ensuring long-term food security?

Specific Objective 1

1.1 Viable farm income

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions ensured viable farm income?

  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4)
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payments for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for YF (O.6)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares/Number of heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of hectares or heads benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20) (only if the corresponding intervention is targeted to SO1)
  • Data on interventions in certain sectors (Annex V, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 and especially data from Form B1 and B3)
  • Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) covered by income support and subject to conditionality (R.4)
  • Share of supported farms by type of interventions (calculation based on data from Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 for the number of beneficiaries per intervention (nominator) and C.12 for the total number of farms (denominator)
  • Percentage Share of CAP support in Farm Net Value Added/AWU (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Percentage variation of the index of agricultural factor income per AWU compared to the last 3-year average (I.3)
  • Comparison of average percentage change of agricultural factor income per AWU between 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods across MS (Calculation based on C.25.1)
  • Comparison of Farm Net Value Added/AWU with and without CAP support across MS (FADN/FSDN)[1]*
  • GDP per capita (C.09)
  • Agricultural holdings (C.12)
  • Farm labour force (C.13)
  • Utilised agricultural area (C.17)
  • Evolution of monthly market prices (Agri-food Markets) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Agri-food Markets
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • FADN / FSDN 

[1] Note that the simple elimination of the support can be criticized because it assumes that all support is transformed into income and that farmers do not adjust their choices to respond to the elimination of the support. Indeed, a not negligible share of farms will quit farming under this very extreme case. However, this should be regarded as a simulation exercise not as a plausible policy scenario.

  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4)
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payments for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for YF (O.6)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares/Number of heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of hectares or heads benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20) (only if the corresponding intervention is targeted to SO1)
  • Data on interventions in certain sectors (Annex V, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 and especially data from Form B1 and B3)
  • Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) covered by income support and subject to conditionality (R.4)
  • Share of supported farms by type of interventions (calculation based on data from Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 for the number of beneficiaries per intervention (nominator) and C.12 for the total number of farms (denominator)
  • Percentage variation of the index of agricultural factor income per AWU compared to the last 3-year average (I.3)
  • Comparison of average percentage change of agricultural factor income per AWU between 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods across MS (Calculation based on C.25.1)
  • Farm income fluctuations over the period (magnitude of fluctuations around the trend)[2] (FADN/FSDN) *
  • GDP per capita (C.09)
  • Agricultural holdings (C.12)
  • Farm labour force (C.13)
  • Utilised agricultural area (C.17)
  • Evolution of monthly market prices (Agri-food Markets) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Agri-food Markets
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

[2] Average volatility of farm income across MSs can be calculated using the coefficient of variation (CV) of the residual values of the de-trended farm income. Estimating a trend requires long enough time series. An option to consider is to expand the timeseries taking into account some of the pre-reform years

  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4) 
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payments for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for YF (O.6)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares/Number of heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of hectares or heads benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20) (only if the corresponding intervention is targeted to SO1)
  • Result variable R004 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475) 
  • Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) covered by income support and subject to conditionality (R.4)
  • Evolution of agricultural income compared to average income in the economy (I.2)
  • Agricultural holdings (C.12)
  • Utilised agricultural area (C.17)
  • Comparison of agricultural income with non-agricultural labour costs (C.26)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payment for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or specific constraints, including a breakdown per type of areas (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Result variable R004 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of utilized agricultural area (UAA) covered by income support and subject to conditionality across MS and by sector (TF) (R.4)
  • Percentage of additional direct payments per hectare for eligible farms below average farm size (compared to average) (R.6)
  • Percentage of additional support per hectare in areas with higher needs (compared to average (R.7)
  • Evolution of agricultural income level by type of farming (TF) compared to the average in agriculture (I.4)
  • Evolution of agricultural income in areas with natural constraints compared to average agricultural income (I.5)
  • Farm net value added by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming (FADN/FSDN)[3]*
  • Comparison of Farm Net Value Added/AWU with and without CAP support across sectors (TF) and across the FNVA quantiles (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Share of Farm Net Value Added in areas with natural constraints (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Evolution of the standard deviation of the relative income level[4] by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming with and without support (FADN/FSDN) *.
  • Farming in Natura 2000 areas (C.19)
  • Areas facing natural and other specific constraints (C.20)
  • Farm income by type of farming, region, farm size, in areas facing natural or specific constraints (C.27)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • CAP National Strategic Plans

[3] A careful interpretation of this indicator is needed as dimensions such as region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD), TF, farm size (by SO and/or UAA), extensive/intensive farming might be very much correlated. For example, in mountain areas farms may be smaller than in other areas, some TF are more represented among small than large farms, and so on.

[4] The relative income level could be calculated as ratio between the average income of the i-th group and the average income of all considered farms (e.g., mean income of farms in TF1/mean income of all considered farms). If the standard deviation declines with the policy support, this could suggest the policy has a positive impact in terms of reducing income disparities between the farms belonging to the i-th group.

1.2 Resilience

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions supported the resilience of the agricultural sector and ensured the economic sustainability of agricultural production?

  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4)
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payments for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for YF (O.6)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares/Number of heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of hectares or head benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura2000 or 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of units covered by supported CAP risk management tools (O.9)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units supported for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37)
  • Result variable R005 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475) 
  • Data on interventions in certain sectors (Annex V Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 and especially data from Forms B1, B2 and B3)
  • Share of farms with supported CAP risk management tools (R.5)
  • Hectares covered with insurance by sector (A1211)**
  • Capital insured (A1212)**
  • Average level of income without CAP support by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Share of farms with negative factor income without CAP support by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Share of farms with current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) <1 by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming (FADN/FSDN) *
  • For sectors supported by coupled payments, comparison of current ratio in MS supporting/not supporting the sectors (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Frequency of farm income occurrences laying below a given threshold by MS, region, territories (ANC, Natura 2000, WFD) and by TF, farm size (economic and/or physical), extensive/intensive farming with and without CAP support (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Farming in Natura2000 areas (C.19)
  • Areas facing natural and other specific constraints (C.20)
  • Farm income by type of farming, region, farm size, in areas facing natural or specific constraints (C.27)
  • Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture (C.28)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4)
  • Number of beneficiaries or hectares benefitting from payments for small farmers (O.5)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for YF (O.6)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from redistributive income support (O.7)
  • Number of hectares/Number of heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of hectares or head benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura2000 or 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of units covered by supported CAP risk management tools (O.9)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units supported for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37)
  • Result variables R006 and R007 (Annex IV Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Data on interventions in certain sectors (Annex V Reg. (EU) 2022/1475 and especially data from Forms B1, B2 and B3)
  • Percentage of additional direct payments per hectare for eligible farms below average farm size (compared to average) (R.6)
  • Percentage of additional support per hectare in areas with higher needs (compared to average) (R.7)
  • Distribution of CAP support (I.26)
  • Concentration of income (Gini coefficient) with and without CAP support (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Distribution of income (median, IQ range) with and without CAP support (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Comparison of the level of farm income without support (often referred as market income) with the relative importance of the CAP support[5] (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Farming in Natura2000 areas (C.19)
  • Areas facing natural and other specific constraints (C.20)
  • Farm income by type of farming, region, farm size, in areas facing natural or specific constraints (C.27)
  • Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture (C.28)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

[5] The relative importance of CAP support in relation to income can be calculated as the ratio CAP support/Farm Income.

Specific Objective 2

2.1 Enhanced market orientation

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to enhance market orientation?

  • Evolution of the value of production of EU farm sector (EUROSTAT, AACT_EAA01)*
  • Evolution of value of imports from third countries to EU (EUROSTAT, EXT_ST_EU27_2020SITC)*
  • Evolution of value of EU exports (EUROSTAT, EXT_ST_EU27_2020SITC)*
  • Evolution of value of exports of all MS (EUROSTAT, DEF_DISS_DS-059301)*
  • Evolution of the degree of self-sufficiency given by the ratio between the value of production and the value of consumption[6] of agri-food products. (EUROSTAT, calculation based on AACT_EAA01 and EXT_ST_EU27_2020SITC)*
  • Evolution of value of EU exports of agri-food products compared to the value of exports of agri-food products from all countries (EUROSTAT, calculation based on AACT_EAA01 and EXT_ST_EU27_2020SITC)*
  • Ratio of the value of imports of agri-food products from third countries to the value of EU consumption (EUROSTAT, calculation based on AACT_EAA01 and EXT_ST_EU27_2020SITC)*
  • Agri-food imports and exports (I.7) and its sub-indicators
  • Evolution of the global trade of agro-food products (FAOSTAT)*
  • Evolution of the USD/EUR exchange rate (ECB Data Portal, EXR.M.USD.EUR.SP00.A )*
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • European Central Bank Data Portal

[6] Consumption can be calculated as value of production + value of imports – value of exports, assuming no changes in stock (i.e., assumption very common when data on stocks are not available).

  • Number of interventions implemented to reduce price volatility (CAP National Strategic Plans)*
  • EU commodity price volatility compared to international price volatility (coefficient of variation) taking into account volatility of USD/EUR exchange rates (Agri-food Markets, FAO)* 
  • Share of production traded on futures markets (A2121)**
  • Reduced price volatility (EU commodity price variability – I_04_PI) 
  • Comparison between EU and world commodity prices for the products interested by market measures (R_08_PI) 
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Agri-food Markets
  • FAO - Markets and Trade - Commodities

2.2 Farm competitiveness

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to improve the competitiveness of the farm sector?

  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20)
  • Number of hectares/heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of supported producer groups and POs (O.28)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Result variable R009 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of farmers receiving investment support to restructure and modernise, including to improve resource efficiency (R.9)
  • Evolution of costs of inputs by TF (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Evolution of farms total output/total input ratio (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Evolution of yields for selected crops (EUROSTAT, APRO_CPSH1)*
  • Evolution of gross investments in fixed assets of agricultural holdings (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Average total asset value per farm by TF (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Farm net worth (assets – liabilities) by TF (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Total factor productivity in agriculture (I.6)
  • Evolution of land productivity (part of the calculation of I.6) *
  • Farm labour force (C.13)
  • Evolution of labour productivity (C.30)
  • Evolution of capital productivity (part of the calculation of I.6) *
  • Gross fixed capital formation in agriculture (C.28)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Number of hectares/heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Share of farms benefitting from coupled income support for improving competitiveness, sustainability or quality (R.8)
  • Evolution of agricultural output value by MS, TF, farm size (economic and/or physical) and type of livestock with and without coupled support (FADN/FSDN) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Number of supported on-farm productive/non-productive investment operations or units (O.20-O.21)
  • Number of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.1)
  • Number of advice actions or units to provide innovation support for preparing or implementing EIP operational group projects (O.2)
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.38)
  • Result variables R001, R003 and R009 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Data on EIP operational groups (Annex VI, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of farms receiving investment support to restructure and modernize, including to improve resource efficiency (R.9)
  • Number of persons benefitting from advice, training, knowledge exchange or participation in EIP operational groups supported by the CAP (R.1)
  • Share of farms benefitting from support for digital farming technology through CAP (R.3)
  • Share of farmers in operational groups under European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) (Calculation based on DME-EIP)
  • Share of the farm investments in digital technologies by TF[7] (FSDN) *
  • Share of farms adopting innovative solutions (A2231)**
  • Share of farms using Financial Instruments (based on fi - compass)*
  • Maximum portfolio volume of Financial Instruments supported by EAFRD (based on fi - compass)*
  • Total factor productivity in agriculture (I.6)
  • Share of CAP budget for knowledge sharing and innovation (I.1)
  • Agricultural training of farm managers (C.15)
  • Financing gap (based on fi - compass) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • fi - compass

[7] The indicator “Farm investment in digital technologies” has been proposed to be included in the new FSDN

  • Number of hectares/heads benefitting from coupled income support (O.10-O.11)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive/non-productive investment operations or units (O.20-O.21)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Ratio between national, EU and world agricultural commodity prices (Agri-food markets, FAO) *
  • Evolution of cost and revenue structure of agricultural income (FADN / FSDN) *
  • Evolution of EU commodity prices (Agri-food markets) *
  • Evolution of world commodity prices (FAO) *
  • Agricultural production expenses in USA by TF (USDA) *
  • Agricultural production costs in Australia by TF (DAFF) *
  • World agricultural production costs by TF (ICFN, Agri-Benchmark) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Agri-food markets
  • FAO - Markets and Trade - Commodities
  • USDA – Farm Income and Wealth Statistics
  • DAFF – Farm Data Portal
  • ICFN
  • Agri-Benchmark

Specific Objective 3

3.1 Farmers’ position in the value chain

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to improve the farmers’ position in the value chain?
In this particular questions the instruments provided in the Regulation (EU) 1308/2013 and the Directive (EU) 2019/633, must be taken into account.

  • Number of supported producer groups and POs (O.28)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (O.32)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Result variable R010 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation (Annex V, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of recognised Producer Organisations (CAP indicators and data explorer) (OIM_05_2)*.
  • Better supply chain organisation: Share of farms participating in producer groups, producer organisations, local markets, short supply chain circuits and quality schemes supported by the CAP (R.10)
  • Concentration of supply: Share of value of marketed production by producer organisations or producer groups with operational programmes in certain sectors (R.11)
  • Value added for primary producers in the food chain (I.8)
  • Share of marketed production by recognised POs (CAP indicators and data explorer) (Fruits and Vegetables: OIM_05_1a, Milk: OIM_05_1b)*
  • Difference in price level obtained when selling in cooperatives compared to selling on the market by sector (A3111)**
  • Share of farms participating in recognised POs (A3112)**
  • Degree of use of EU market observatories and interactive data portal by farmers (A3113)**
  • Number of cases for Unfair Trading Practices submitted and judged after Directive (EU) 2019/633 and corresponding market share (A3114)**
  • Share of production traded on futures market and comparison with the US (A3115)**
  • Share of marketed production by and gross value added for primary producers participating in collective farmer schemes in the USA (USDA, Agricultural cooperative statistics) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • External study on POs (DG AGRI, 2019) / ad hoc surveys
  • USDA, Agricultural cooperative statistics

3.2 Farmers’ response to market driven opportunities

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to improve farmers’ response to market driven opportunities stemming from new consumer preferences?

  • Number of beneficiaries receiving support to participate in official quality schemes (O.29)
  • Number of hectares or number of other units benefitting from support for organic farming (O.17)
  • Result variables R010 and R029 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Better supply chain organisation: Share of farms participating in producer groups, producer organisations, local markets, short supply chain circuits and quality schemes supported by the CAP (R.10)
  • Share of UAA supported by the CAP for organic farming with a split between maintenance and conversion (R.29)
  • Value of production under Union quality schemes and of organic production (I.29)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • Distribution of agricultural holdings based on B090 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of organic livestock in all livestock (EUROSTAT, ORG_LSTSPEC)*
  • Certified Organic Sales as Percent of Market Value of All Agricultural Products in the USA (USDA, Organic Survey) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • MS registers
  • USDA, Organic Survey
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from eco-schemes (O.8), marketed under specific labelled schemes, if any[8] 
  • Number of supported local development strategies (LEADER) or preparatory actions (O.31), related to the development of short supply chains and local markets
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33), related to the development of short supply chains and local markets
  • Result variables R001, R009, R010 and R038 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of persons benefitting from advice, training, knowledge exchange, or participating in EIP operational groups supported by the CAP in order to enhance sustainable economic, social, environmental, climate and resource efficiency performance (R.1)
  • Share of farmers receiving investment support to restructure and modernize (R.9)
  • Better supply chain organisation: Share of farms participating in producer groups, producer organisations, local markets, short supply chain circuits and quality schemes supported by the CAP (R.10)
  • Share of rural population covered by local development strategies (R.38)
  • Evolution of production value sold in short and local supply-chains and relative importance compared to the total value of production by sector (A3221)**
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer

[8] Ex: Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE) in France or Organic

General Objective 2

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to supporting and strengthening environmental protection, including biodiversity, and climate action and to achieving the environmental and climate-related objectives of the Union, including its commitments under the Paris Agreement?

Specific Objective 4

4.1 Climate change mitigation

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed in achieving the objective for a climate-neutral EU by 2050, primarily by reducing GHG emissions, increasing carbon sequestration, and promoting production and use of sustainable energy?

This decrease is expected by reducing and controlling:

  • methane emissions from livestock, 
  • manure management and rice cultivations
  • nitrous oxide emissions from organic and mineral nitrogen fertilisation and manure management
  • carbon dioxide from agricultural land management, including land use change and burning of agricultural residues.
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8) 
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14)
  • Number of livestock units (LU) benefitting from support for animal welfare, health or increased biosecurity measures (O.18) 
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20) 
  • Number of supported on-farm non-productive investment operations or units (O.21)
  • Result variables R013, R014, R016 and R027, R043 and corresponding break down (R143 – R543) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)

Indicative farm practices that could be related to the indicators above may include[9]:

  • use of enhanced efficiency fertilisers, 
  • fertilisation using green manure, 
  • livestock dietary manipulation techniques,
  • livestock housing techniques
  • manure land application techniques,
  • manure processing techniques,
  • manure storage techniques,
  • organic farming,
  • organic fertilisation 

Especially for CO2Number of hectares subject to GAEC 3 (National data in IACS) *

  • Reducing emissions in the livestock sector (R.13) 
  • Carbon storage in soils and biomass (R.14) 
  • Investments related to climate (R.16) (of interest are investments that treat or manage livestock wastes or are used for the application of wastes)
  • Sustainable nutrient management: Share of utilised agricultural area (UAA) under supported commitments related to improved nutrient management (R.22)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27)
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture (I.10)
  • Especially for CO2: The reduced emissions due to the enforcement of GAEC 3 as detailed in the NIR (NIR)*
  • Utilised agricultural area (C.17)
  • Livestock units (C.23)
  • Livestock density: the number of livestock units (LSU) per hectare of utilised agricultural area (C.24)
  • Manure management systems (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_MS) *
  • Manure application (NIR) *
  • Use of fertilisers (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_USEFERT and NIR / CRF tables) *
  • The climate change and emission objectives of the National Energy and Climate Plans in relation to attained reductions[10] (NECPs)*
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in other countries (FAOSTAT, Emissions totals) *
  • Especially for CO2: The area burned for agricultural residues (CRF Tables) *
Data Sources
  • National and EU Implementation Reports (NIR) and Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • National Energy and Climate Plan, especially the chapters on “National Objectives and Targets” and “Policies and Measures”.

[10] This indicator can also be used for evaluating relevance. Here the focus is on effectiveness and thus, on the quantitative level of the NEC targets attained by the CAP SP.

The increase is expected through: 

  • the protection of permanent grasslands, 
  • the protection or restoration of agriculturally dependent wetlands and peatland,
  • the carbon increase in soil and biomass
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8) 
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (Ο.14) 
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15)
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16)

Indicative farm practices that could be related to the indicators above may include:

  • agroforestry, 
  • catch crops and cover crops,
  • crop residue management, 
  • crop rotations,
  • grassland conversion and restoration,
  • grassland management,
  • mulching,
  • no or low tillage,
  • organic farming systems,
  • soil amendment with biochar or lime,
  • wetland conservation, restoration and management


  • Area of grassland (B141), arable (B142) and permanent crops (B143) in wetland and peatlands which are subject to GAEC 2 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • The area under GAECs 8 (B150 – B153, B155, B160 - 162) and 9 (B170 – 172) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • R014, R017, R019 and R030 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Area of permanent grassland under GAEC 1 (National IACS) *
  • The area under GAECs 6 and 7 (National IACS) *
  • Carbon storage in soils and biomass (R.14)
  • Improving and protecting soils (R.19) 
  • Afforested land (R.17)
  • Supporting sustainable forest management (R.30)
  • The ratio of area subject to GAEC 6, i.e., the area of minimum soil cover to avoid bare soil in most sensitive periods relative to total UAA. (National IACS)*
  • The ratio of area subject to GAEC 7, i.e., the area subject to crop rotation in arable land, relative to total UAA. (National IACS)*
  • Soil organic carbon in agricultural land (I.11 and C.40)
  • Area of grassland (B141), arable (B142) and permanent crops (B143) in wetland and peatlands which are subject to GAEC 2 to total area of grassland, arable and permanent crops in wetlands.
  • Change in permanent grassland: Total and share of UAA by categories of land cover (C.17.2)
  • Change in permanent grassland in Natura 2000 areas: share of agricultural area and natural grassland under Natura 2000 (C.19.3)
  • Soil organic carbon in forest land (LUCAS) *
  • Area of permanent grassland (C.17)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • LUCAS-Soil dataset (2015) and (2018) and high resolution map (100 m) of SOC stock in agricultural and forest soils based on 2010 data
  • CORINE Land Cover nomenclature classes Pastures (2.3) and Natural grasslands (3.2.1). 
  • CORINE Land Cover nomenclature classes Inland marshes (4.1.1), Salt marshes (4.2.1), Salines (4.2.2), Intertidal flats (4.2.3) for wetlands and Peatbogs (4.1.2) for peatlands.
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • National IACS
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Investment in bio-methane (M210) and Result variables R015, R016, R027 and R039 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Renewable energy from agriculture, forestry and from other renewable sources (R.15)
  • Investments related to climate (R.16) (of interest are investments related, separately, to the production of renewable energy)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investments in rural areas (R.27) to the extent that these concerned with investments in renewable energy production
  • Developing the rural economy (R.39) for investments concerned with the production of renewable energy
  • Sustainable production of renewable energy from agriculture and forestry (I.12 and C.42)
Data Sources
  • EUROSTAT (Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes (NRG_CB_RW); Simplified energy balances (nrg_bal_s)
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Result variables R016, R026 and R027 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Investments related to climate (R.16) (of interest are investments related, to energy savings)
  •  Investments related to natural resources (R.26) to the extent that these investments concerned with sectoral investments in energy saving
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27) to the extent that concerned with investments in energy saving
  • Energy savings per year due to supported projects (A4141)**
  • Energy savings as percentage of total energy requirements in agriculture (Calculation based on A4141 and ENV_AC_PEFASU)**
  • Energy use in agriculture, forestry and food industry (C. 43), including its three specific indicators on direct use of energy in agriculture and forestry in total and per ha and in the food processing industry. 
Data Sources
  • EUROSTAT (Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes (NRG_CB_RW); Simplified energy balances (nrg_bal_s)
  • CAP indicators and data explorer

4.2 Climate change adaption

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions supported the Union’s agriculture, forestry and rural areas to reduce vulnerability, strengthen resilience, and enhance adaptive capacity to climate change?

The vulnerability of the agricultural and forestry sector and rural areas to the adverse effects of climate change is decreasing.

The short-term and long-term resilience of the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas from climate change impacts is improving. 

The capacity of the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas to adapt to the uncertainties of the changing climate in the long-term and take advantage of climate change opportunities is enhanced.

  • Number of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.1) related to climate adaptation based on data from Annex VI, Reg (EU) 2022/1475
  • Number of advice actions or units to provide innovation support for preparing or implementing European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.2) related to climate adaptation based on data from Annex VI, Reg (EU) 2022/1475
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14)
  • Number of hectares (forestry) covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15)
  • Number of operations or units supporting genetic resources (O.19)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22) 
  • Number of supported off-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.23 and O.24)
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37) – those related to training and knowledge.
  • Result variables R012, R016, R017, R027, R028 and R035 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Adaptation to climate change (R.12) [For sectoral types of interventions, area in which damage caused by adverse climatic events is prevented or by e.g. promoting the development and use of varieties, breeds and management practices adapted to changing climate conditions (Article 47(1)(a)(iii)) 
  • Investments related to climate (R.16) (of interest are investments related to on-farm water savings and adapting to changing climate conditions) such as, for example, those flagged by M170, M180 or M190 of Reg. (EU) 2022/1475
  • Afforested land (R.17)
  • Investment support to the forest sector (R.18)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27) [especially for genetic resources commitments (Article 70) or the improvement of existing irrigation infrastructure.
  • Environment or climate performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Preserving beehives (R.35), especially the support granted directly to beekeepers under Article 55(1)(b) for preventing damage caused by adverse climatic events and promoting the development and use of management practices adapted to changing climate conditions.
  • Agricultural sector resilience progress indicator (I.9 and C.45)
  • Agricultural sector resilience progress indicator (C.45)
  • Agricultural factor income stability (C.25)
  • Water exploitation index plus (WEI+) regionally and monthly for the agricultural sector (from C.38 data, supplemented with model results)
  • Soil organic carbon in agricultural land (from C.40 data), including regional changes of modelled carbon stocks.
  • The value of climate-related economic losses (SDG_13_40) *
  • Direct agricultural loss attributed to disasters (C. 46)
  • The share of agriculture in the value of climate-related economic losses (calculation as the ratio of C.46 to SDG_13_40) *
  • The NAPs and NAS Potential flood-prone area extent. Geographical distribution of the share of agricultural land in floodplain areas (Flood hazard and risk maps intersected by LPIS) *
Data Sources
  • EUROSTAT (Climate related economic losses (SDG_13_40)
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • SENDAI framework analytics, categories of Global Target C. 
  • EEA: 
  • Potential flood-prone area extent
  • Data for the Geographical distribution of the share of agricultural land in floodplain areas
  • The adaptation preparedness scoreboard country fiches.
  • Eionet: Floods Directive Reporting, Flood Risk Management Plans
  • LUCAS-Soil dataset (2015) and (2018) and high resolution map (100 m) of SOC stock in agricultural soils based on 2010 data

Specific Objective 5

5.1 A. Efficient management of natural resources (particularly air)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions advanced air quality, including a reduction in chemical substances?

  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoscheme (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Result variable R009, R020 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Improving air quality (R.20)
  • Share of farms receiving investment support to restructure and modernise, including to improve resource efficiency (R.9)
  • Ammonia emissions from agriculture (I.14) by the source of activity
  • Other pollutants of agricultural origin: NOx, NMVOC, Sox (National emissions inventories) *
  • Particulate matter of an agricultural origin: PM2.5, PM10, TSP National emissions inventories) *
  • Manure management systems (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_MS) *
  • Manure application (NIR) *
  • Use of fertilisers (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_USEFERT and NIRs / CRFs) *
Data Sources
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • National and EU Implementation Reports (NIR) and CRFs
  • Eionet: CDR National Emission Ceiling Directive (NECD 2016/2284/EU)
  • National emission inventories

5.1 B. Efficient management of natural resources (particularly water resources)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions fostered sustainable development and effective management of water resources including a reduction in chemical dependency?

  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoscheme (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of supported on-farm and off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Result variables R016, R021, R022, and R024 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Use of fertilisers (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_USEFERT and NIRs / CRFs)* 
  • Protecting water quality (R.21) 
  • Sustainable nutrient management (R.22)
  • Sustainable and reduced use of pesticides (R.24)
  • Percentage water bodies with detected priority substances from agriculture per type of water body (WISE) *
  • Gross nutrient balance (I.15) - Gross nutrient balance for nitrogen and phosphorus 
  • Nitrates in groundwater (I.16)
  • Risk, use and impacts of pesticides (I.18)
  • Water bodies in good chemical status by surface and groundwater (WISE) *
  • Water bodies in good and above ecological status for surface water (WISE) *
  • Irrigable area (C.18)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • UAA under SMR1 (WFD) and SMR2 (Nitrates Directive) obligations (Vectors of River Basins and Nitrate Zones intersected by LPIS) *
  • UAA affected by GAEC 4 (National IACS) *
  • Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Eionet and WISE) *
  • Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers (EUROSTAT, SDG_06_30)*
Data Sources
  • National and EU Implementation Reports (NIR) and the CRFs
  • Eionet: Central Data Repository (CDR) – Nitrates Directive Report (91/676/EEC) and
  • EEA: WISE WFD protected area spatial data sets
  • EEA: Water Quality ICM
  • EEA: WISE Water Framework Directive Database
  • National estimates
  • European Commission: Trends in Harmonised Risk Indicators for Member States and Total (related to I.18)
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoscheme (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of supported on-farm and off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Investments in water management (M170, M180 and M190) and Result variables R016, R023 and R026 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation (Annex V, Form B1.d.(i), Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Farm modernisation (R.9) – for “new irrigation” installations on farm leading to a net increase in irrigated area identified by a combination of M170 and M180.
  • Percentage farms with various Irrigation methods (EUROSTAT, EF_POIRRIG) *
  • Percentage farms using surface or groundwater sources (EUROSTAT, EF_POIRRIG)*
  • Use of fertilisers (EUROSTAT, AEI_FM_USEFERT and NIRs / CRFs)*
  • Investments related to water savings (R.16)
  • Sustainable water use (R.23)
  • Investments related to natural resources (R.26) – improvement of existing irrigation 
  • Developing the rural economy (R.39) - Investments in “new irrigation” infrastructure leading to a net increase in irrigated area
  • Water exploitation index+ (I.17)
  • Irrigable area (C.18)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • Water use in agriculture (C.38)
  • UAA affected by GAEC 4 (National IACS) *
  • Water abstraction in agriculture (ENV_WAT_ABS)*
Data Sources
  • National and EU Implementation Reports (NIR) and the CRFs
  • EEA: WISE WFD protected area spatial data sets
  • EEA: WISE Water Framework Directive Database
  • National IACS

5.1 C. Efficient management of natural resources (particularly soil resources)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions fostered sustainable development and effective management of soil resources, including a reduction in chemical dependency?

  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoscheme (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14)
  • Number of hectares (forestry) covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15)
  • Result variables R014, R019, R024 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Carbon storage in soils and biomass (R.14)
  • Improving and protecting soils (R.19)
  • Sustainable and reduced use of pesticides (R.24)
  • Soil organic carbon in agricultural land (I.11) 
  • Soil erosion by water (I.13) 
  • Risk, use and impacts of pesticides (I.18)
  • Soil compaction of agricultural land (EEA: Degree and extent of soil compaction in Europe based on 2009 LUCAS-Soil survey) * 
  • Soil biodiversity (ESDAC) *
  • Pesticide residues in soils (2019 study) *
  • Soil salinisation (ESDAC) *
  • Soil organic carbon in agricultural land (C.40)
  • Soil erosion by water (C.41)
Data Sources
  • LUCAS-Soil dataset (2015) and (2018) and high resolution map (100 m) of SOC stock in agricultural soils based on 2010 data
  • EEA: Degree and extent of soil compaction in Europe based on 2009 LUCAS-Soil survey
  • JRC: ESDAC raster map showing areas with a potential threat to soil biodiversity
  • 2019 study on “Pesticide residues in European agricultural soils”
  • JRC: ESDAC raster map showing the area distribution of saline, sodic and potentially salt affected areas in the EU (2008)

Specific Objective 6

6.1 Reversing and halting biodiversity loss

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to halting and reversing biodiversity loss in agricultural and forest land and to preserving habitats and landscapes?

These factors may, indicatively, include:

  • Farming intensity (decrease)
  • The extent of farmland or forest land managed under Natura 2000 rules (increase)
  • The size of organic farming (increase)
  • The extent and importance of semi-natural permanent pasture (increase)
  • The extent of high-nature-value (HNV) farming or other farming systems and practices beneficial to biodiversity (increase)
  • Pressures and threats on biodiversity from agriculture (decrease)
  • Agroforest systems (increase)
  • The conditionality requirements have created the setting for many contextual factors to show a positive progress. Examples include:
  • GAEC 9 (B170 – 172) and all GAECs (B180) for protecting grasslands and GAEC 8 (B150 – B162) on landscape features (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of agricultural land covered with landscape features (I.21)
  • Share of UAA under supported commitments for managing landscape features, including hedgerows and trees (R.34)
  • The land under GAEC 9 relative to the total UAA (B170, B171, B172) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Land cover (C.05)
  • Permanent grassland as percentage of UAA (C.05)
  • Farming in Natura 2000 areas (C.19)
  • Enhancing provision of ecosystem services (C.21)
  • Livestock density (C.24)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • Farming intensity (C.34)
  • Sustainable and reduced use of pesticides (C.49)
  • Pressures and Threats from agriculture in Natura 2000 (EEA Natura 2000 database) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • EEA Natura 2000 database

This can be depicted by:

  • Fauna indicators on agricultural land
  • Flora indicators on agricultural land
  • The dynamics of the populations of wild pollinators
  • The preservation of agricultural species and varieties and breeds.
  • The increase in habitat connectivity
  • Result variable R019, R025, R027, R028, R031, R032, R033 and R034 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • For agricultural land
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22) 
  • Number of supported off-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.23 and O.24)
  • Number of operations or units supporting genetic resources (O.19)
  • Improving and protecting soils including soil biodiversity (R.19)
  • Environmental performance in the livestock sector especially support to endangered breeds (R.25)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Preserving habitats and species (R.31)
  • Investments related to biodiversity (R.32)
  • Improving Natura 2000 management (R.33)
  • Preserving landscape features (R.34)
  • Enhancing provision of ecosystem (I.21) also SEBI 020
  • Enhancing biodiversity protection (I.20)
  • Farmland Bird Index (I.19)
  • Crop diversity (I.22)
  • Grassland butterfly index (EUROSTAT, SDG_15_61) *
  • Permanent grassland as percentage of UAA (C.05)
  • Farming in Natura 2000 areas (C.19)
  • Enhancing provision of ecosystem services (C.21)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • Farming intensity (C.34)
  • Enhancing biodiversity protection (C.37)
  • Pressures and Threats for agriculture in Natura 2000 decrease (EEA Natura 2000 database) *
  • Reporting based on Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) (EIONET, Article 17 web tool)
Data Sources
  • SEBI 
  • CAP indicators and data explorer,
  • EEA Natura 2000 database,
  • EIONET, Article 17 web tool

This can be depicted by:

  • Extent of forests under sustainable management
  • Trends in tree species composition
  • Extent of natural regeneration
  • Preservation of deadwood in forests
  • Forest Bird Index


  • Result variable R017, R018, R019, R027, R028, R030, R031, R033 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15) 
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22) 
  • Number of supported off-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.23 and O.24)
  • Afforested land (R.17)
  • Investment support to the forest sector (R.18)
  • Improving and protecting soils including soil biodiversity (R.19)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Supporting sustainable forest management (R.30)
  • Preserving habitats and species (R.31)
  • Improving Natura 2000 management (R.33)
  • Diversity of tree species (Forest Europe, FE_C.4.1)*
  • Forest Regeneration (Forest Europe, FE_C.4.2)*
  • Forest Bird Index (EUROSTAT, ENV_BIO3)*
  • Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings (SEBI, SEBI_017)*
  • Deadwood Volume (SEBI, SEBI_018)*
  • Pressures and Threats for agriculture in Natura 2000 decrease (EEA Natura 2000 database) *
  • Reporting based on Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) (EIONET, Article 17 web tool)
  • Forests (C.05)
  • Forests within Natura 2000 (C.19_4 and C.19_5)
Data Sources
  • Forest Europe[11]
  • SEBI 
  • CAP indicators and data explorer,
  • EEA Natura 2000 database,
  • EIONET, Article 17 web tool
  • Result variable R017, R018, R019, R025, R027, R030, R031, R032, R033 and R034 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • For agricultural land
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of supported on-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22) 
  • Number of supported off-farm productive and non-productive investment operations or units (O.23 and O.24)
  • Number of operations or units supporting genetic resources (O.19)
  • For forest land
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15) 
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16)
  • Afforested land (R.17)
  • Investment support to the forest sector (R.18)
  • Improving and protecting soils including soil biodiversity (R.19)
  • Environmental performance in the livestock sector especially support to endangered breeds (R.25)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Supporting sustainable forest management (R.30)
  • Preserving habitats and species (R.31)
  • Investments related to biodiversity (R.32)
  • Improving Natura 2000 management (R.33)
  • Preserving landscape features (R.34)
  • For agricultural land
  • Enhancing provision of ecosystem (I.21) also SEBI 020
  • Enhancing biodiversity protection (I.20)
  • Farmland Bird Index (I.19)
  • Crop diversity (I.22)
  • Grassland butterfly index (EUROSTAT, SDG_15_61) *
  • For forest land
  • Diversity of tree species (Forest Europe, FE_C.4.1)*
  • Forest Regeneration (Forest Europe, FE_C.4.2)*
  • Forest Bird Index (EUROSTAT, ENV_BIO3)*
  • Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings (SEBI, SEBI_017)*
  • Deadwood Volume (SEBI, SEBI_018)*
  • For agricultural land
  • Permanent grassland as percentage of UAA (C.05)
  • Farming in Natura 2000 areas (C.19)
  • Enhancing provision of ecosystem services (C.21)
  • Agricultural area under organic farming (C.33)
  • Farming intensity (C.34)
  • Enhancing biodiversity protection (C.37)
  • Pressures and Threats for agriculture in Natura 2000 decrease (EEA Natura 2000 database) *
  • Reporting based on Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) (EIONET, Article 17 web tool)
  • For forest land
  • Forests (C.05)
  • Forests within Natura 2000 (C.19_4 and C.19_5)
Data Sources
  • Forest Europe
  • SEBI 
  • CAP indicators and data explorer,
  • EEA Natura 2000 database,
  • EIONET, Article 17 web tool

6.2 Ecosystem services

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to enhancing ecosystem services?

  • Number of hectares benefitting from support under Natura 2000 or Directive 2000/60/EC (O.13)
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15) 
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16) 
  • Number of actions or units for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37) for managed pollinators
  • Number of supported on-farm and off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Result variable R034 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Sustainable and reduced use of pesticides (R.24)
  • Supporting sustainable forest management (R.30)
  • Preserving habitats and species (R.31)
  • Improving Natura 2000 management (R.33)
  • Preserving landscape features (R.34) 
  • Preserving beehives (R.35) for managed pollinators
  • Enhancing biodiversity protection (the sub-indicator on pollinators) (I.20)
  • Number of hectares or number of other units benefitting from support for organic farming (there is evidence that organic farming is positively related to wild pollinators) (O.17) 
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Development of organic agriculture (R.29)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Copernicus
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14) 
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15) 
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16) 
  • Number of supported on-farm and off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • Result variables R026, R027, R028 and R034 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Investments related to natural resources (R.26) 
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through investment in rural areas (R.27)
  • Environmental or climate-related performance through knowledge and innovation (R.28)
  • Preserving landscape features (R.34)
  • Agricultural land covered with landscape features (I.21 and C.21)
  • GAEC 8 from B150 to B162 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Copernicus

An indicator of provisioning or regulating “output”. Examples: 

The area managed for the production of wild berries or mushrooms in managed forests and semi-wildreness areas (provisioning service). Theare managed for avoidance of soil erosion and sediment transfer (regulating service). Such an indicator may be depicted by the MS in:

  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8)
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.14)
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15) 
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16) 
  • Number of supported on-farm and off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20 and O.21)
  • The area (or livestock) devoted to the “provisioning” or “regulating” ecosystem services, if such a record is kept by the MS (A6231)**
  • A measure of the provision (e.g., Kg of mushrooms or berries) or of the regulation (tonnes of soil not eroded) ecosystem service. (A6232)**
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer

General Objective 3

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to strengthening the socio-economic fabric of rural areas?

Specific Objective 7

7.1 Farmers renewal

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to support the setting up of young farmers and new farmers and the continuity of their operations?

  • Number of hectares benefitting from basic income support (O.4)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints (O.12)
  • Number of young farmers receiving setting up support (O.25)
  • Number of new farmers receiving setting-up support (other than young farmers reported under O.25) (O.26)
  • Number of supported operations or units for generational renewal (excluding setting-up support) (O.30)
  • Number of hectares benefitting from complementary income support for young farmers (O.6)
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33) (if the disaggregated data related to code B030 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475) can be applied: setting-up training and advice for young farmers )
  • Amounts paid per intervention (M050, M060, M070) where the beneficiary is a young farmer (B030) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Result variable R036 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of CAP SPs with preferential arrangements for young farmers (e.g. for investments, distribution of entitlements, CIS etc) (CAP National Strategic Plans) *
  • Number of young farmers benefitting from setting up with support from the CAP, including a gender breakdown (R.36)
  • Number of young farmers benefitting from upskilling and sustainable farm business development for setting-up (A7111)** (if this aspect cannot be captured by O.33, an additional result indicator is recommended) 
  • Average CAP income support per ha by age of the farm manager (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Evolution of the number of new farm managers and the number of new young farm managers, including a gender breakdown (I.23)
  • Improvement of the ratio between young and better trained farm managers to older and less trained ones (C.14, C.15)
  • Agricultural holdings (C.12)
  • Average farm size (physical and economic) by age of the manager (EUROSTAT, EF_M_FARMANG, FADN/FSDN)* 
  • Average total assets and liabilities by age of the farm manager (FADN/FADN) *
  • Average Farm Net Value Added/AWU by age of the farm manager (FADN/FSDN) *
  • Improvement of the ratio between young and better trained farm managers to older and less trained ones in the USA (USDA NASS) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer,
  • CAP National Strategic Plans,
  • USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
  • Survey

7.2 Business development

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to facilitate non-agricultural business development (including start-ups) in rural areas? (Overlapping with SO08)

  • Number of rural businesses receiving support for start-up (O.27)
  • Result variable R037 and R039 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of rural businesses including bio-economy businesses developed with CAP support (R.39)
  • New jobs supported in CAP projects (R.37)
  • Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions (Eurostat) (BD_ENACE2_R3)*
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

Specific Objective 8

8.1 Rural sustainable economy

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to sustainable rural economy by enhancing economic growth and promoting employment or by weakening economic decline and loss of employment and by promoting the bioeconomy and sustainable forestry?

(consider all CAP SP interventions).

  • Realised expenditure per intervention (consider all CAP SP interventions)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Number of young farmers receiving setting up support (O.25)
  • Number of new farmers receiving setting-up support (other than young farmers reported under O.25) (O.26)
  • Number of rural businesses receiving support for start-up (O.27)
  • Number of supported local development strategies (LEADER) or preparatory actions (O.31)
  • Total number of operations implemented by the LAGs (L700 - Annex VII of Regulation 2022/1475)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (O.32)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37)
  • Information related to expenditure of sectoral interventions (Forms B1. B2 and B3, Annex V of Regulation (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of farms receiving investment support to restructure and modernise, including to improve resource efficiency (R.9)
  • Number of rural businesses, including bio-economy businesses, developed with CAP support (R.39)
  • Number of supported smart-village strategies (R.40)
  • Share of rural population benefitting from improved access to services and infrastructure through CAP support (R.41)
  • Number of persons covered by supported social inclusion projects (R.42)
  • Evolution of GDP per capita in rural areas (I.25), also compared to the urban areas.
  • Gross value added by sector, by type of region, in agriculture and for primary producers (C.11, I.8).
  • Evolution of agricultural income compared to the general economy (I.2; C26)
  • Evolution of poverty index in rural areas (I.27)
  • Unemployment rate in rural areas (C.07)
  • Employment (C.08)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

(consider all CAP SP interventions)

  • Realised expenditure per intervention (consider all CAP SP interventions)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Number of young farmers receiving setting up support (O.25)
  • Number of new farmers receiving setting-up support (other than young farmers reported under O.25) (O.26)
  • Number of rural businesses receiving support for start-up (O.27)
  • Number of supported local development strategies (LEADER) or preparatory actions (O.31)
  • Total number of operations implemented by the LAGs (L700 - Annex VII of Regulation 2022/1475)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (O.32)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37)
  • Information related to expenditure of sectoral interventions (Forms B1. B2 and B3, Annex V of Regulation (EU) 2022/1475)
  • New jobs supported in CAP projects (R.37), gender breakdown
  • Evolution of the employment rate in rural areas, including a gender breakdown (I.24 and C.06)
  • Unemployment rate in rural areas (C.07)
  • Employment (C.08)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

(consider all CAP SP interventions)

  • Realised expenditures
  • Number of supported bio-economy related businesses, identified through variable M210 and/or result variables R009, R015, R016, R018, R026, R027, R039 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of rural businesses, including bio-economy businesses, developed with CAP support (R.39) 
  • Value added of biomass producing and converting sectors (JRC - Bioeconomics) * 
  • Number of people employed in biomass producing and converting sectors (JRC - Bioeconomics) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • JRC - Bioeconomics[13]
  • Number of hectares (forestry) or number of other units covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (O.15)
  • Number of hectares or number of other units under maintenance commitments for afforestation and agroforestry (O.16)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (O.32)
  • Result variable R017, R018, R030 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Afforested land (R.17)
  • Investment support to the forest sector (R.18)
  • Supporting sustainable forest management (R.30)
  • Forest Europe indicators on forest biological diversity and socioeconomic functions (Forest Europe, FE_C.4 and C.6) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Forest Europe

8.2 Local development

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to local development and the provision of local services and infrastructure?

  • Number of supported local development strategies (LEADER) or preparatory actions (O.31)
  • Number of supported on-farm non-productive investment operations or units (O.21)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Monitoring variable M200 and Result variable R038, R040, R041, R037, R039, R042 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Data on LAGs and their activities for LEADER (Annex VII, Reg 2022/1475)
  • Percentage of rural population covered by local development strategies (R.38)
  • Number of supported smart-village strategies (R.40)
  • Share of rural population benefitting from improved access to services and infrastructure through CAP support (R.41) 
  • New jobs supported in CAP projects (R.37)
  • Number of rural businesses, including bio-economy businesses, developed with CAP support (R.39)
  • Investments in broadband/ high-speed internet (M200)
  • Number of persons covered by supported social inclusion projects (R.42)
  • Improvement of social capital and local governance in rural areas (an EU-wide survey or meta-analysis of existing evaluations at MS level) (A8211)**
  • Improvement of job opportunities in rural areas (Eurobarometer) *
  • Access to high speed broadband (Rural Observatory) * 
  • Increase in the number of households that are connected to broadband in rural areas (EUROSTAT, isoc_ci_it_h) * 
  • Better access to leisure and cultural activities in rural areas (Eurobarometer) * 
  • Evolution of poverty index in rural areas (I.27)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Rural Observatory
  • Eurobarometer

8.3 Gender equality and social inclusion

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to the promotion of gender equality (on-farm and off-farm), income equity and poverty reduction?

(consider all CAP SP interventions)

  • Number of CAP support beneficiaries (O.3) with gender breakdown (B020) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of young farmers receiving setting-up support (O.25), gender breakdown (B020)
  • Number of new farmers receiving setting-up support (O.26), gender breakdown (B020)
  • Number of rural businesses receiving support for start-up (O.27), gender breakdown (B020)
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33), gender breakdown (B020)
  • Result variable R002, R028, R036 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of young farmers benefitting from setting up with support from the CAP, including a gender breakdown (R.36)
  • Number of advisors receiving support to be integrated within Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) (R.2) gender breakdown
  • Number of persons benefitting from advice, training, knowledge exchange, or participating in European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational groups supported by the CAP related to environmental or climate-related performance (R.28), gender breakdown
  • Women employment in the agri sector, proportion of farm managers who are women (related to C.14 and C.08)
  • Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and degree of urbanisation (percentage) (EUROSTAT, EDAT_LFS_9913)*
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

(not SO8 specific; related to all CAP SP interventions. It can be assessed in combination with 1.1.4 and 1.2.2)

  • Realised expenditure
  • Number of farmers subject to capping or degressivity
  • Percentage of additional direct payments per hectare for eligible farms below average farm size (compared to average) (R.6)
  • Percentage of additional support per hectare in areas with higher needs (compared to average) (R.7) 
  • Distribution of CAP support (I.26)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation 

(consider all relevant CAP SP interventions)

  • Realised expenditures
  • Result variable R042 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of persons covered by supported social inclusion projects (R.42)
  • Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and degree of urbanisation (percentage) (EUROSTAT, EDAT_LFS_9913)*
  • Evolution of poverty index in rural areas (I.27)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

Specific Objective 9

9.1 A. Quality and safety food (quality, safe and nutritious food)

To what extent do CAP SP interventions respond to societal demands on food and health, including high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable way?

  • Number of beneficiaries receiving support to participate in official quality schemes (O.29)
  • Number of hectares or number of other units benefitting from support for organic farming (O.17)
  • Result variable R029 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of UAA supported by the CAP for organic farming (R.29)
  • Increase in the production of food under quality schemes (A9111)**
  • Increase in the production of organic food (EUROSTAT, ORG_CROPPRO and ORG_LSTSPEC) *
  • Value of production under Union quality schemes and of organic production (I.29)
  • Change in the occurrence and significance of food safety issues and crop diseases (EFSA: Foodborne outbrakes dashboard)*
  • Time series of percentage of analysed food sample containing:
    • no quantifiable levels of residues (EFSA: Multiannual national control programmes) *
    • one or more residues in concentrations below or equal to permitted levels residues exceeding the legal maximum (EFSA: Multiannual national control programmes) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • External study on the economic value of quality schemes and MS databases
  • EFSA: Foodborne outbrakes dashboard
  • EFSA: Multiannual national control programmes

9.1 B. Quality and safety food (animal welfare)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to animal welfare improvements?

  • Number of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8) for animal welfare
  • Number of livestock units (LU) benefitting from support for animal welfare, health or increased biosecurity measures (O.18)
  • Result variable R044 and corresponding breakdown (R144, R244, R344, R444, R544) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Improving animal welfare (R.44)
  • Mortality rate per species (A9121)**
  • Absence of injuries per species (A9122)**
  • Absence of diseases per species (A9123)**
  • Change in the occurrence and significance of animal diseases (EFSA)*
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation
  • EFSA site for reports on country assessments of progress as concerns animal welfare measures

9.1 C. Quality and safety food (antimicrobial use)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to decreasing antimicrobial resistance?

  • Number of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8) for AMR
  • Number of livestock units (LU) benefitting from support for animal welfare, health or increased biosecurity measures (O.18)
  • Result variable R043 and corresponding breakdown (R143, R243, R343, R443, R543) (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Share of livestock units (LU) concerned by supported actions to limit the use of antimicrobials/ Limiting antimicrobial use (R.43) 
  • Sales/use of antimicrobials for food-producing animals (I.28)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data for Monitoring and Evaluation

9.2 Food loss and waste

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions contributed to reducing food loss and waste?

  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20)
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35)
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36)
  • Number of actions or units for beekeeping preservation or improvement (O.37)
  • Farm modernisation (R.9):
  • Investments related to climate (R.16)
  • Investments related to natural resources (R.26)
  • Developing the rural economy (R.39)
  • Food loss and waste as a percentage of domestic production (FAO)*
  • Food waste and food waste prevention by NACE Rev. 2 activity in tonnes of fresh mass (EUROSTAT, ENV_WASF) *
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • EUROSTAT: Food waste and food waste prevention by NACE Rev. 2 activity - tonnes of fresh mass (Eurostat variable: ENV_WASFW). Last year available: 2020.
  • FAO: Food Loss and Waste Database by country and commodity (cpc2.0). Last year available: 2020

9.3 European society’s perceptions towards agriculture and the CAP

To what extend there is a shift of the perceptions of European society regarding the role of agriculture for food security, climate change and rural areas and the importance and performance of the CAP?

  • Time series of percentage of European citizens in total and per MS showing their temporal perception of the following problems:
    • food security and risks to food security, 
    • climate change impacts on food production 
    • impacts of agriculture on climate change, 
    • the situation in rural areas (Eurobarometer) *
Data Sources
  • Rolling bi-annual opinion polls of Eurobarometer on: “Europe, Agriculture and the CAP”.
  • Time series of percentage of European citizens perceiving the CAP as:
  • important and performing towards the EU targets,
  • contributing to the nine specific objectives (Eurobarometer)*
Data Sources
  • Rolling bi-annual opinion polls of Eurobarometer on: “Europe, Agriculture and the CAP”.

Cross-cutting Objective

10.1 Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS)

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions supported the AKIS strategic actions and related AKIS interventions that contribute to strengthening interactions within the AKIS and uptaking of knowledge and innovation by farmers?

  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33)
  • Number of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.1)
  • Number of advice actions or units to provide innovation support for preparing or implementing European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.2)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (excluding EIP reported under O.1) (O.32)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20)
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22), investments in broadband (M200, Reg. 2022/1475)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Data on European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP) operational groups (Annex VI, Reg 2022/1475)
  • Share of CAP Strategic Plan’s budget for knowledge sharing and innovation (I.1)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Number of interactive[13] events interconnecting the AKIS actors by type of event (e.g. networking activities, demonstration farms, specific actions to support interactive knowledge exchange) (A10121)**
  • Number of actors involved in interactive events or processes by types (e.g. advisors, farmers, experts/researchers, “hard to reach” farmers[14]) (A10122)**
  • Number of specific action undertaken by the CAP Network to support interactive innovation (A10123)**
  • Number of collaborations/joint actions between the CAP Network and the Horizon National Contact Point/the RIS3 contact point/other relevant networking bodies (A10124)**
  • Number of digital platforms for knowledge exchange amongst AKIS actors (A10125)**
  • Result variables R001 and R002 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • CAP Strategic Plan’s expenditure supporting AKIS related interventions (monitoring variables to report amounts spent (M050 to M070 Annex IV, Reg (EU) 2022/1475)) 
  • Data on European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP) operational groups (Annex VI, Reg 2022/1475)
  • Share of AKIS actors supported by the AKIS interventions by type (e.g.typologies: advisors, farmers, SMEs) (A10126)**
  • Number of advisors receiving CAP support to be integrated within the AKIS (R.2)
  • Number of new interactions established within the AKIS through the CAP support by level of interaction (individual, group, organisation) and formality (formal, informal) (A10127)**
  • Number of existing interactions strengthened within the AKIS through the CAP support (A10128)**
  • Quality of AKIS actors’ participation in knowledge flows (qualitative assessment of their active participation) (A10129)**
  • Number of cooperation agreements between the AKIS actors (if these are formalised) (A101210)**
  • Number of joint activities/projects stemming from the cooperation agreements between the AKIS actors (if these are formalised) (A101211)**
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Survey
Context indicators
  • Agricultural holdings (C.12)
  • Total number of SMEs (SBS_SC_SCA_R2) (EUROSTAT) *
  • Total number of researchers (RD_P_PERSOCC) (EUROSTAT) *
  • Total number of farm advisors (A101212)**

[13] For example, in the i2connect (H2020) project, the characteristics of an interactive innovation process are as follows:

  • Addresses a real challenge - Takes up real problems faced by farmers/foresters to which there is no simple solution.
  • Multi-actor based - Brings together diverse people from various sectors (e.g. advisors, researchers, farmers/foresters, NGOs, private companies).
  • Collaborative - Requires frequent interactions among the partners throughout the process where members actively share their knowledge, skills and expertise. 
  • Shares power and responsibility – Requires sharing of power and responsibility in recognition of the different areas of expertise.

[14] For example:

  • Farmers at the extremes of the age spectrum (i.e. older and younger) are often ‘hard-to-reach’ for advisory services (Kinsella, 2018). 
  • Farmers operating smaller-scale farms also find it harder to access advisory services (Labarthe and Laurent, 2013), and are similarly not considered to be ‘good clients’ to private advice providers. 
  • The same applies for some new entrants to farming (Sutherland et al., 2017). 
  • Female farmers may not be identified as priority cohorts or ‘authentic’ farmers by advisory services (Prager et al., 2017; Trauger, 2010)
  • Number of peer-to-peer learning actions that involve advisors and/or farmers (A10131)**
  • Number of vocational training actions that involve advisors and/or farmers (A10132)**
  • Number of advisors participating in peer-to-peer learning and vocational training activities (A10133)**
  • Number of trained advisors (or number of advisors that have participated in training), taking into account the duration of the events (A10134)**
  • Number of cross-border visits of advisors (A10135)**
  • Number (and territorial/thematic coverage) of specialists serving in advisory back-offices (A10143)**
  • Number of knowledge sharing models/tools supported (e.g. AKIS platforms, knowledge reservoirs, etc.) (A10151)**
  • Result variable R002 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of advisors receiving CAP support to be integrated within the AKIS (R.2)
  • Frequency and intensity of training and skills upgrading (by type of skills: communication, facilitation and networking) for advisors (A10136)**
  • Number of methods for spreading the knowledge acquired (A10137)**
  • Assessment of training received (as assessed by advisors), in relation to content and scope, methods used, frequency, timing etc. (A10138)**
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Survey
  • Range of topics on which advisors provided advice (A10141)**
  • Range of methods and tools used by advisors to provide advice and frequency of use (A10142)**
  • Number (and territorial/thematic coverage) of communication, facilitation and networking specialists serving in advisory back-offices (A10143)**
  • Number of knowledge sharing models/tools supported (e.g. AKIS platforms, knowledge reservoirs, etc.) (A10151)**
  • Number of methods/tools for satisfaction assessments of advice put in place on a regular basis (A10144)**
  • Number/range of farmers/foresters/SMEs using advisory services (A10145)**
  • Assessment of the quality of advice provided (based on a Likert scale[15]) (A10146)**
Data Sources
  • Survey

[15] The Likert scale is a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement. Therefore, the quality of advice can be assessed through a survey.

  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33)
  • Number of EIP operational group projects (O.1)
  • Number of advice actions or units to provide innovation support for preparing or implementing EIP operational group projects (O.2)
  • Number of knowledge sharing models/tools supported (e.g. AKIS platforms, knowledge reservoirs, etc.) (A10151)**
  • Number (and type) of CAP Network activities supporting knowledge sharing (e.g. disseminating results from cooperation projects) (A10152)**
  • Number of farmers participated in the preparation and implementation of EIP projects (EUROSTAT) *
  • Number of farmers having learnt from the outcomes of EIP Operational Group innovative projects (EUROSTAT) *
  • Number of farmers participated in training (any kind of group training, e-learning, learning through on-farm demonstration or other knowledge exchange events) (EUROSTAT) *
  • Number of farmers receiving targeted on-farm advice (one to one advice given on the farm and specifically targeting the specific farm/farmers’ issues – using Article 78 Reg. 2021/2115) (EUROSTAT) *
  • Data on EIP Operational Groups (Annex VI, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Result variable R001, R028 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of persons benefitting from advice, training, knowledge exchange or participating in EIP operational groups supported by the CAP (R.1)
  • Number of persons benefitting from advice, training, knowledge exchange, or participating in EIP operational groups supported by the CAP related to environmental or climate-related performance (R.28)
  • Share of farmers using support for advice, training and knowledge exchange (may also distinguish for young/new farmers, women, etc.) (A10153)**
  • Number of new practices and new production systems, by MS / region, identified after participating in training programmes and/or making use of farm advice (A10154)**
  • Number of farmers acquiring knowledge from other farmers which participated in training programmes and/or made use of farm advice (A10155)**
  • Number of new cooperation activities based on practical innovation-oriented research approaches applied between farmers and researchers (A10156)** 
  • Number of pilot actions or related actions (e.g. feasibility study/analysis) to facilitate the introduction of new practices and new production systems by farmers (A10157)** 
  • Share of different actors included in OGs by types (e.g. advisors, farmers, researchers, ‘hard-to-reach’ farmers) (A10158)**
  • Number of farmers participating in training programmes compared to the previous period (CAP indicators and data explorer. Data for Monitoring and Evaluation) *
  • Number/range of farmers/foresters/SMEs using advisory services (A10159)**
  • New[16] or hard-to-reach famers reached through training and knowledge sharing programmes (A101510)**
  • Number of new practices and new production systems introduced by farmers after participating in training and/or using farm advice (also compared to farmers that did not benefit from training programmes and/or farm advice) (A101511)**
  • Quality of AKIS actors’ participation in OGs (qualitative assessment of their proactive and positive work and work ethics, based on a Likert scale) (A101512)**
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • EUROSTAT[17]
  • Survey

[16] “New” refers to farmers that have never participated in training and knowledge sharing programmes. For “hard-to-reach” farmers see footnote 30

[17] The EUROSTAT indicators will be include in the IFS from 2026 onwards

10.2 Digital strategy

To what extent have the CAP SP interventions supported the digital strategy that contribute to fostering digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas and uptaking of digital solutions by farmers?

  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33)
  • Number of European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.1)
  • Number of advice actions or units to provide innovation support for preparing or implementing European Innovation Partnership (EIP) operational group projects (O.2)
  • Number of supported other cooperation operations or units (excluding EIP reported under O.1) (O.32)
  • Number of supported on-farm productive investment operations or units (O.20) specific for digitilisation, identified using result variable R003 
  • Number of supported infrastructure investment operations or units (O.22), investments in broadband (M200, Reg. 2022/1475)
  • Number of supported off-farm productive investment operations or units (O.24)
  • Number of hectares or of livestock units benefitting from ecoschemes (O.8), for support to farm practices implying the use of digital tools 
  • Number of hectares (excluding forestry) covered by environmental or climate-related commitments going beyond mandatory requirements (Ο.14), for support to farm practices implying the use of digital tools
  • Number of supported operational programmes (O.35) with interventions fostering digitalisation, identified using result variable R003 
  • Number of actions or units supported in the wine sector (O.36) with interventions fostering digitalisation, identified using result variable R003
  • Data on European Innovation Partnership for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP) operational groups (Annex VI, Reg 2022/1475)
  • Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units (O.33), focusing particularly on digitalisation, identified using result variable R003
  • Result variable R003, R040, R041 (Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475)
  • Number of digital platforms for knowledge exchange amongst AKIS actors (A10125)**
  • Digitalising agriculture: Share of farms benefitting from support for digital farming technology through CAP (R.3)
  • Share of farmers participating in training programmes or using support for advice and knowledge exchange on digitalisation by type (typology: young/new farmers, small farmers, women) (A10211)**
  • Smart transition of the rural economy: Number of supported smart-village strategies (R.40)
  • Share of rural population benefitting from improved access to services and infrastructure through CAP support (R.41), in particular broadband, identified through R041 and M200
  • Number of farmers supported by digital farming technology after testing in OG projects (A10212)**
  • Number of new digital methods/tools used by farmers and/or advisors (A10213)**
  • Access to high speed broadband (Rural Observatory) * 
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Rural Observatory
  • Survey


E.1 Cost-effectiveness

To what extent the costs of the CAP SPs implementation are justified and proportionate given the effects it has achieved?

Indicators or topics to be assessed

Effect-cost ratio calculated by:

  • Net effects or calculated potential effects (based on the results of the effectiveness analysis and measured via impact or, in some cases, result indicators in their units of measurement)
  • Cost of interventions related to the net or potential impacts, including:
    • financial support paid to beneficiaries of the interventions
    • adjustment costs for the administration to comply with the new legal requirements.
    • administrative costs for the administration, including technical assistance, regarding the management, monitoring and evaluation of the interventions.
    • administrative costs for beneficiaries to submit their applications for support, implement the operations / commitments and claim the support.
    • enforcement costs for the administration regarding the control, monitoring and evaluation of the interventions.

Effect-cost ratio should be calculated for different levels of analysis, such as: 

  • at the level of individual interventions to compare:
    • different interventions of the same type, for example commitments targeting the same greenhouse gas, such as alternative practices for treating manure (targeting methane) or alternative practices for applying fertilizers (targeting nitrous oxide). 
    • identical interventions in the current and previous programming period (interventions continuing across periods)
  • at the level of types of interventions, for example to compare ecoschemes to environment - climate commitments or sectoral interventions.
  • at the CAP SP level to compare different forms of support (financial instruments, repayable grants, non-repayable grants etc.)
  • at the EU level to compare:
    • similar effects (e.g. jobs created / €) between CAP and other EU funds
    • similar types of interventions across Member States 
Data Sources
  • Data on impacts from effectiveness analysis[18]
  • Data on full implementation costs to generate an achievement

[18] Although the cost-effectiveness ratio can be calculated also for output and results, efforts should be made to be always calculated at the level of net impacts, as this shows the efficiency of contributing to the achievement of the CAP objectives.

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Percentage of the cost of the delivery of the CAP to the total CAP budget.
  • Percentage of the cost of the delivery of the CAP compared to other EU Funds
  • Percentage of the cost of the delivery of the CAP compared to the cost of agricultural policy delivery in other countries (e.g. USA, Australia, New Zealand)
Data Sources
  • Study to assess the costs of managing and implementing the CAP.
  • Studies or evaluations of cost of agricultural policy delivery in other countries

E.2 Financial instruments

To what extent are financial instruments more cost-effective than other forms of support?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Maximum portfolio volume of Financial Instruments supported by EAFRD, by FI type (fi-compass)
  • Maximum EAFRD contribution, by FI type
  • Realised portfolio volume of Financial Instruments supported by EAFRD, by FI type (fi-compass)
  • Realised EAFRD contribution, by FI type (Survey among programmes)
  • Ratio of Proceeds of operations to Realised EAFRD contribution, by FI type (Survey among programmes)
  • Management cost and fees to realised portfolio volume, by FI type (Survey among programmes)
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer 
  • CAP National Strategic Plans 
  • Fi-compass
  • Survey among programmes

E.3 Enhanced conditionality

To what extent has enhanced conditionality affected differently the compliance costs of different farms and increased production costs or supply of agricultural land

Indicators or topics to be assessed

The share of adjustments costs attributed to compliance with enhanced conditionality at the level of beneficiaries as:

  • Percentage of total costs
  • Percentage of total costs by economic size and sector (TF)
Data Sources

There are not available data sources but a Cumulative Cost Assessment (CCA) study can be undertaken based on FADN data, complimented by data on the level of adjustment costs for enhance conditionality. 

CCAs are retrospective studies which have been performed for several European industries especially when there are indications or hints that the EU regulation increases the operation (or entrance) costs in a given sector.

Indicators or topics to be assessed

Indicative geographical areas regulated by GAECs which may affect production costs, may include:

  • Peatlands and wetlands 
  • Mountainous or hilly areas with moderate or high slopes
  • Areas with a dense surface water network or dense irrigation and drainage network
  • Areas in NVZs, or under special management plans such as WFD for water management or Natura 2000 for biodiversity management
Data Sources
  • Time series of indicators of the average cost of production before and after the imposition of enhanced GAECs in areas more intensely regulated by GAECs and other areas.
    These indicators may include:

    • Production cost per hectare (physical measure of input)
    • Production cost per livestock unit 
    • Production cost per unit of production (physical measure of output) 

    The evaluator should search for anomalies in the time series of the indicators which may signify a change related to the CSP. The time series of an indicator does not establish causality and thus, interpretation of such evidence should be cautious and supported by triangulation

  • Published research or other scientific evidence on cost of production data from areas having the largest share of their land cover regulated by GAECs. 
  • Eurostat: Crop production in EU standard humidity (APRO_CPSH1) for estimates of physical production and of corresponding UAA.
  • Eurostat: Economic accounts for agriculture by NUTS 2 regions (AGR_R_ACCTS) indicator on total cost of crop and livestock production or FADN regional data on cost of production. The prevailing land cover of the NUTS2 region or the FADN region to be regulated by GAECs, e.g., a mountainous region with enhanced conditionalities for soil erosion or a region with dense surface water network.
Indicators or topics to be assessed

Indicative geographical areas probably regulated by production cost increasing GAECs may include:

  • Areas with a dense surface water network (Example of GAEC that may withdraw additional land from production: buffer strips) 
  • Areas in NVZs, or under special management plans such as WFD for water management or Natura 2000 for biodiversity management (Example of GAEC that may withdraw additional land from production: compulsory rotation with fallow land)
Data Sources
  • Time series of indicators of land use before and after the imposition of enhanced GAECs in areas more intensely regulated by GAECs and other areas.
    These indicators may include:

    • Declared UAA within time invariant (constant) spatial boundaries (physical measure of land supply), e.g., UAA within a spatially delineated River Basin, NVZ, Natura 2000 or other similar areas where enhanced conditionality was imposed. 
    • Declared fallow land 
    • Abandoned land 
    • Land rents or land prices for land planted with indicative cultivations

    The evaluator should search for anomalies in the time series of the indicators which may signify a change related to the CSP. The time series of an indicator does not establish causality and thus, interpretation of such evidence should be cautious and supported by triangulation. 

  • Published research or other scientific evidence on the land markets including areas having the largest share of their land cover regulated by GAECs. Research may point to possible land market distortions due to GAECs. 
  • Eurostat: UAA including fallow land in spatially delimeted areas (administrative areas, Natura 2000, WFD River Basins, etc.).
  • FADN: Land rents in areas highly regulated by GAECs, e.g., a region with dense surface water network.

E.4 Cost effectiveness of eco-schemes and environment – climate commitments

To what extent have eco-schemes and environment – climate commitments been designed with characteristics that increase cost effectiveness?

These characteristics may include[19]:

  • Clear and quantifiable, policy objectives.
  • Targeted payment designs that allow for spatial variation of compliance costs.
  • Payment rates do not over- or under compensate and equal the income forgone and farmers’ private transaction costs.
  • Eligibility criteria —such as determination of beneficiaries and decisions whether to pay to individual versus groups of individuals or collectives— depending on the environmental issue in question and whether environmental results are sought at field-parcel or landscape level.
  • Acknowledgement and consideration of behavioural responses in payment design, such as farmers’ environmental preferences and risk profiles, to increase participation and render payment schemes more effective.
  • Assurance of strong additionality that contributes to budgetary cost-effectiveness by limiting budgetary outlays that do not directly deliver environmental benefits.
Indicators or topics to be assessed

Qualitative assessment concerning the presence of the factors of success in the CAP SPs and in the first round of calls for participation in the environmental schemes. These calls may include quantifiable objectives, define eligibility criteria, assign spatial weights, differentiate payment rates, etc. Thus, the indicators can be the existence or not (I.e., a dummy yes/no indicator) of the following:

  • Policy contains quantifiable targets for impacts, beyond results.
  • Payments vary spatially to reflect targeting
  • Payments are linked to and result from careful studies of income forgone or cost incurred
  • Payment design takes account of farmers risk profiles and environmental preferences
  • Collective payments are linked to the achievement of environmental results at landscape level
  • Budgetary costs are strictly linked to the delivery of environmental benefits and limit the possibility of use elsewhere.
Data Sources
  • The CAP SPs or other policy documents setting quantifiable impact objectives 
  • Studies commissioned by MAs or PAs for the quantification of costs for the participation to environment and climate-related commitments including income forgone, additional costs incurred and transaction costs
  • Calls for participation that may include payment variation, costs eligibility and payment schemes to collective entities
  • Academic studies concerning the cost-efficient design, delivery and implementation of environment and climate-related commitments

[19] A recent OECD study identifies seven dimensions of payment design that are important for achieving cost effectiveness. Six of them can serve as indicative factors of success and translated into indicators reflecting cost efficiency. OECD 2022, Making Agri-Environmental Payments More Cost Effective, OECD Publishing, Paris,

E.5 Reduced costs

To what extent the costs for the delivery of the CAP have been limited to the absolutely necessary?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Changes, compared to the previous programming period, in:
    • adjustment costs for the administration to comply with the new legal requirements.
    • administrative costs for the administration, regarding the management of the interventions.
    • administrative costs for beneficiaries to submit their applications for support, implement the operations / commitments and claim the support.
    • enforcement costs for the administration regarding the control, monitoring and evaluation of the interventions.
  • Changes in the above costs that can be attributed to the application of the New Delivery Model
  • Changes in the above costs than van be attributed to digitalization. .
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans (including descriptions of the approaches to simplify and reduce the administrative burden in the CAP SPs - Section 3.9)
  • Study to assess the costs of managing and implementing the CAP.
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data from Tools4CAP project

E.6 Simplification measures

To what extend simplification measures[20] have been used in the implementation of the CAP SPs?

[20] Forms of support defined in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1 of Article 44, Reg (EU) 2021/2115

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of operations / commitments delivered with reduced costs due to digitalization.
  • Share of payments processed with reduced costs due to digitalization.
  • Number and type of operations / commitments delivered using Simplified Cost Options.
  • Share of payments processed using Simplified Cost Options.
  • Number and type of operations / commitments delivered using simplified mechanisms as a response to crises.
  • Share of payments processed using simplified mechanisms as a response to crises
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans (including descriptions of the approaches to simplify and reduce the administrative burden in the CAP SPs)
  • Study to assess the costs of managing and implementing the CAP.
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Data from Tools4CAP project


R.1 Relationship between initial and current needs

To what extend the needs identified when the new CAP was introduced remain still valid?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Evolution of context indicators
  • Assumptions and projections of the Agricultural Outlook 2017 – 2030 that proved to be valid / non-valid
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Agricultural Outlook 2017 – 2030

R.2 Relevance to current needs

To what extent do the CAP SP objectives and interventions as well as their design respond to the current needs?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Evolution of output and result indicators towards responding to current needs (See Table 11 in the Annex 1 for a correspondence between needs and success factors.)
  • Qualitative analysis of current needs which were not sufficiently addressed by the CAP SP objectives.
Data Sources
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Surveys / interviews

The design features may include, indicatively:

  • The level of available financial resources
  • The decision to use CAP vs national resources for addressing the needs
  • The basic requirements introduced at EU-level (e.g. a single strategic plan for each MS and for both pillars, enhanced conditionality, capping and degressivity, ring-fencing, links to non-CAP legislation on environment and climate etc) 
  • The enhanced flexibility provided to MS 
  • The time span for the implementation of each type of interventions (annual or multi – annual) 
  • The form of support (i.e. additional cost and income forgone, flat rate, hectare reference for the disbursement of funding, other)
  • The targeting (i.e., territorial/spatial variation or according to farm and farmer characteristics)
Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Financial allocations per need
  • Evolution of output and result indicators towards responding to current needs (See Table 11 in the Annex 1 for a correspondence between needs and success factors.)
  • Qualitative analysis of the design features that promote / undermine CAP SP responsiveness to current needs
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Surveys / interviews

R.3 Relevance to EU’s overarching policy priorities

To what extent do the CAP SP interventions remain relevant in addressing the EU’s overarching policy priorities?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of interventions which respond to the EU’s overarching policy 
  • Financial allocations of interventions that respond to EU’s overarching policy
  • Evolution of output and result indicators that are relevant to the EU policy priorities
  • (Net) change in the values of impact indicators that are relevant to the EU policy priorities
  • Qualitative analysis of the design features that promote / undermine CAP SP responsiveness to EU policy priorities
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Surveys / interviews

R.4 Relevance to future and changing needs

To what extent is the CAP SP design still relevant in the light of future needs and changing priorities which may occur during the programme implementation?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of interventions which respond to future and changing needs
  • Financial allocations of interventions that respond to future and changing needs
  • Evolution of output and result indicators that are relevant to responding to future and changing needs
  • Qualitative analysis of the design features that promote / undermine CAP SP responsiveness to future and changing needs
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
  • Surveys / interviews


C.1 Internal coherence

To what extent did the CAP SP interventions complement each other and achieve synergies under various specific objectives?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of interventions that jointly contribute to more than one specific and general objectives
  • Contribution of each type of interventions (Direct Payments, Sectoral Interventions, Rural Development) to the development of each result indicator
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • CAP indicators and data explorer
Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Changes in the net values of impact indicators used for the effectiveness analysis of general objectives 1 and 2.
  • Change in the Gross Value Added/ha between similar farms that received more / less payments for commitments that improve the environmental – climate performance.
  • Change in the Gross Value Added/ha between similar farms with increased / unchanged / decreased environmental – climate performance, based on corresponding variables that are part of the new FSDN.
Data Sources
  • Effectiveness analysis
Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Changes in I.24 and I.25 in rural areas.
  • Changes in I.6 and C.13
Data Sources
  • Effectiveness analysis
Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Colocation quotient statistic between (or among):
  • Interventions contributing to the same objective. For example, investments for manure management agri-environment and investments for manure application or investments for manure management and investment for renewable energy generation. Another example may address measures for climate commitments targeting nutrient balance and investments targeting irrigation water efficient use in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones or in River Basins
  • Interventions contributing to different objectives. For example, measures to increase Soil Organic Carbon in SO4 may coexist with measures to protect soil from erosion in SO5 or increase soil biodiversity in SO6. 
Data Sources
  • The geographical location of the farmer (B040, Annex IV, Reg. (EU) 2022/1475) can be aggregated to administrative units and related to measures and result indicators within and across SO4, SO5 and SO6 for the estimation of corresponding Moran I alike spatial correlation indicators

C.2 External coherence

To what extent did the CAP SP interventions complement other EU instruments/ EU-funds outside the CAP SP to achieve synergies?

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of interventions with potential synergies, overlaps or gaps with:
    • ERDF funded programmes related to rural development intervention
    • Horizon Europe (Cluster 6 of Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment) related to EIP-Agri and AKIS
    • Single Market Programme 2021-2027 (particularly under the Food chain pillar managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency / HaDEA) related to food safety 
    • ESF+ (in particular the measures focused on improving employment conditions in rural areas) related to qualification and capacity building in rural areas
    • The European Green Deal, including the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategy and actions thereof, such as the Organic Action Plan, the Contigency Plan, the Soil Strategy and other relevant strategies and actions
    • The Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources
    • The Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora
    • The Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
    • The Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe 
    • The Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources 
    • The Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides 
    • The Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds 
    • The Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants 
    • The Regulation (EU) 2018/841 on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry in the 2030 climate and energy framework 
    • The Regulation (EU) 2018/842 on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 contributing to climate action to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement 
    • The Directive (EU) 2018/2002 on energy efficiency 
    • The Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action
    • the long-term Vision for Rural Areas and its four pillars (stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas) (COM(2021) 345 final)
    • Accelerating the green and digital transition
    • Addressing specific needs of women in agriculture and rural areas and ensuring gender equality (Gender Equality Strategy COM (2020)152 final
    • other national policies related to land use and management and/or rural areas (other than the ones listed in the next factor of success)
Data Sources
  • CAP national Strategic Plans (Analysis of the provisions set out in the CAP SP to assure external coherence)
  • Analysis of the policy framework at EU level

These plans may include indicatively:

  • the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) 
  • the National Adaptation Plans or Strategies (NAPs)
  • The River Basin Management Plans
  • the 5th and 6th Flood Risk Management Plans
  • the Drought Management Plans
Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • The number of interventions (or measures) which are linked (directly or indirectly) to the Action or Management Plans
  • The area or number of animal units to be addressed by these interventions as a percentage of all interventions
  • The public expenditure devoted to these interventions
Data Sources

There are not ready to use and available data. Evaluation data may be generated from “Case studies” in selected MSs involving only desk research.

Union added value

V.1 Governance

To what extend EU action promoted improved governance of the CAP?

(related to all SOs)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number of CAP SPs addressing the EU horizontal principles (gender equality, non-discrimination, sustainability) in programming, implementation and monitoring
Data Sources
  • CAP National Strategic Plans

(related to all SOs)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and types of new governance and coordination structures established at EU level
  • Number and types of new governance and coordination structures established at MS level
  • Number and type of new members of the Monitoring Committees compared to the previous programming period.
Data Sources

Survey, interviews

(related to all SOs)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number of current and future needs and wider EU priorities supported by the CAP SP interventions
  • Changes in the costs of the delivery of the policy
Data Sources

Assessment will be based on the outcome of the Efficiency and Relevance analyses

V.2 Ensuring a level playing field for all farmers in the MS

To what extend has the EU action helped MS to ensure a common safety net for all farmers and mitigate the pressures arising from the single market from goods and services?

(related to GO1 and CCO)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of EU – level basic requirements with positive or negative effects on ensuring a common income safety net for all farmers.
  • Change in farm income in the absence of CAP support.
  • Change in agricultural production (total output) in the absence of CAP support
  • Change in UAA in the absence of CAP support.
  • Change in production intensity (total input / ha) in the absence of CAP support.
Data Sources
  • Based on evaluation findings of “Effectiveness”

(related to all SO1 and SO9)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Indicators on food security provided by the European Commission´s dashboard on food security in the EU, taking also into account the SWD(2023) 4 final “Drivers of food security”
  • Price volatility (see SO2) assessing the CAP contribution to price stabilisation of agricultural products in the EU compared to the world market
  • Indicator on food safety used for assessing “Effectiveness” (e.g. under SO9)
Data Sources
  • European Commission´s dashboard on food security in the EU[21]
  • Based on evaluation findings of “Effectiveness”

V.3 Responding to environment – climate challenges

To what extent has the EU action ensured an ambitious joint effort towards increasing environment - climate performance, tailored to the potential and specificities of each MS?


  • the green architecture of the CAP SPs,
  • the incorporation of relevant environmental legislation and Action Plans (Nitrates, NEC and SUD) and 
  • the endorsement of EU broad activities on conservation and biodiversity (Natura 2000 and EU Biodiversity Strategy), water management (WFD) and climate action (Effort Sharing Regulation)

(related to GO2 and CCO)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of EU – level basic requirements with positive or negative effects on enhancing environment – climate ambition.
  • Change in the values of result indicators compared to the previous programming period, where relevant.
  • Change in the (net) values of impact indicators compared to the previous programming period, where relevant.
  • Contribution of the CAP SP to the EU Green Deal, Fit for 55, Renewable Energy Directive and RePowerEU targets
  • Number and type of conditionalities used in a synergistic way
  • Number and type of conditionalities building on one another
  • Number and type of conditionalities delivering a particular environmental outcome
  • Number of CAP SPs which are better aligned with relevant action plans such as Nitrates, NEC and SUD Action Plans, which set an EU broad level of measures and activities ensuring a significant level of environmental protection
  • Number of interventions taking account of synergies with other Member States (e.g., maintenance of migratory corridors for European bird species)
  • Number of interventions invoking EU obligations for water management and water quality standards
  • Number of interventions concerning management of species in the European red list.
Data Sources
  • Based on evaluation findings of “Effectiveness” and “Coherence”
  • CAP National Strategic Plans
  • Natura 2000 CSP intervention logic
  • Natura 2000 areas with habitats and species threatened at European level
  • Transboundary management of water resources

V.4 Responding to socioeconomic challenges faced by the rural areas

To what extent EU action has ensured a joint effort towards improving socioeconomic conditions in rural areas and decreasing inequalities between regions?


  • coordinating and tailoring responses to socioeconomic challenges, 
  • supporting solidarity and limiting gaps between the regions, 
  • upporting the protection of the rights of Europe’s farm workers and 
  • furnishing knowledge sharing and innovation, including the digital transition of agriculture and rural areas

(related to GO3 and CCO)

Indicators or topics to be assessed
  • Number and type of EU – level basic requirements with positive or negative effects on enhancing the ability of MS to address socioeconomic challenges in rural areas.
  • Share of the total CAP support directed to:
    • less developed regions, outermost regions and the small Aegean islands,
    • transition regions within the meaning of Article 108(2), first subparagraph, point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060.
  • Percentage of the total public and private expenditure of the CAP SP to the corresponding regional GDP for:
    • less developed regions, outermost regions and the small Aegean islands,
    • transition regions within the meaning of Article 108(2), first subparagraph, point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060,
    • other rural regions
  • Number of CAP SPs applying social conditionality
  • Number of CAP SPs demonstrating increased effort into advice, coaching and training to help farmers and other rural actors embrace the necessary changes
Data Sources
  • Based on evaluation findings of “Effectiveness”
  • CAP National Strategic Plans