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Press Article - Circular economy: Smart circular farming in Malta

Recycling nutrients in manure and using as fertilisers

Press article - Circular economy: Smart circular farming in Malta

The Farmers Central Cooperative Society (FCCS) has teamed up with the pig breeders cooperative (KIM) and the milk producers cooperative (KPH) to work on a new project to recycle the nutrients in manure from animal breeding and use them as fertiliser in the fruit and vegetable sector. “We will even go beyond this to achieve a full circular economy, making full use of the resources in raw pig and cow slurry. On top of fertiliser: water, energy and carbon as soil improver, biochar, or fuel,” Christopher Ciantar, project coordinator tells us.



English language

Press article - Circular economy: Smart circular farming in Malta

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English language

Press article - Circular economy: Smart circular farming in Malta (Word)

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