Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment
- CAP Implementation
- Generational Renewal
- Jobs, Growth and Equality in Rural Areas
- Long-term Vision for Rural Areas
The second meeting of the Thematic Group (TG) reflected on support programmes and tools that are available at different levels (EU, national, regional, local) and further explored how they help rural youth employment in practice. The discussion aimed to help identify functional youth employment support models in order to inform relevant policies.

The meeting started with an overview of EU and national support tools for rural youth employment, starting with DG AGRI's representative Elena Schubert (Unit B3 Social Sustainability), who informed about the opportunities provided by CAP 2023-2027 in relation to young farmers and rural youth. Various national support programmes outside the CAP were then presented by funders and beneficiaries, including Italian experiences with Erasmus for young entrepreneurs and Sweden's programme providing career experience for school-leavers in disadvantaged regions.
The discussion then moved to local and regional support programmes and tools for rural youth employment. Examples ranged from an apprenticeship support scheme for unemployed youth in Spain to support to local businesses hiring young people in France; from business support via LEADER in Finland to match-making and crowdfunding schemes in France and Croatia.
Breakout group discussions provided the participants with a space to exchange about success factors of existing support programmes/tools for rural youth employment, as well as options for improving their functionality and uptake by young people. A final session presented EU-wide and larger-scale projects and approaches to support rural youth employment.
Highlights Report - 2nd meeting Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment
(PDF – 1 MB)