Publication - Guidelines and tools |

Guidelines: Evaluating the AKIS Strategic Approach in CAP Strategic Plans

These guidelines aim to support EU Member States when evaluating their AKIS strategic approach, as part of the requirement to assess specific topics related to their CAP Strategic Plans.

  • 2023-2027
  • Cross-cutting impacts

The Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) aims to ensure more effective knowledge flows and exchange inside EU Member States and across borders, contributing to the CAP’s Cross-Cutting Objective of modernisation and nine Specific Objectives. The significance of AKIS has seen its strategic approach become one of the key elements of CAP Strategic Plans to assess and these guidelines are designed to support EU Member States in this process. The publication provides clarifications on key AKIS concepts and provides guidance on assessing elements such as the design of the AKIS strategic approach, implementation, knowledge flows and links between research and practice, farm advice and the interconnections of advisors. It also outlines methodological approaches, common challenges and practical examples to help translate these guidelines into practice. They conclude by emphasising the need for EU Member States to adjust the use of these guidelines to their specific needs and AKIS context. 

Last updated



English language

Guidelines: Evaluating the AKIS Strategic Approach in CAP Strategic Plans

(PDF – 3.45 MB – 87 pages)