Evaluation of AKIS

An Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) is the combined organisation and knowledge flows between individuals, organisations, and institutions who use and produce knowledge for agriculture and interrelated fields. AKIS contributes to the CAP’s cross-cutting objective of modernisation, knowledge sharing, innovation, and digitalisation.
AKIS has gained importance in the 2023-2027 period as the backbone of modernising the CAP and the related objective. As such, the evaluation of AKIS plays a prominent role in the overall evaluation of the CAP. During this period, Member States shall assess the functioning and improvement of AKIS, as referred to in Article 114 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/2115, including the assessment on how the various components of the system work together to support those who use and produce knowledge and innovation (e.g. farm advisory services, research and national CAP networks).
The Thematic Working Group (TWG) which took place from April 2022 to December 2022, had the objective to conceptualise and operationalise the methodological guidance that Member States may need in assessing the functioning and improvement of AKIS and its impact on innovation uptake by farmers. Among its specific objectives, the TWG aimed:
- To exchange practical experiences and research-based ideas on lessons learned from the implementation and assessment of the AKIS strategic approach and identification of success factors;
- To design a methodological assessment framework;
- To propose evaluation approaches/methods for robust AKIS assessments;
- To produce guidelines on the assessment of the AKIS strategic approach.
The workflow of the TWG follows traditional steps of evaluation with the involvement of various AKIS stakeholders ensured through a series of meetings:
- Working Package 1: Launched the TWG where several aspects that framed the concept of AKIS were discussed;
- Working Package 2: Coordinated content development around the scope of AKIS evaluation and the exchange between TWG members on evaluation approaches/methods that were useful for the evaluation of AKIS’ strategic approach;
- Working Package 3: Conducted quality control and finalised the content sourced from Work Package 2, and developed guidelines for the assessment of AKIS strategic approach, including incorporated input from Sounding Board members (Managing Authorities, evaluators, researchers, networks, various AKIS stakeholders, European Commission);
- Working Package 4: Knowledge transfer and dissemination of the finalised guidelines occurred.
European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP
European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP
Avenue des Arts 46, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 808 10 24