EIP-AGRI Brochure Horizon 2020 multi-actor projects
The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme provides funding for research and innovation for 2014-2020. It…

The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme provides funding for research and innovation for 2014-2020. It supports projects in many fields, including ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’ (Societal Challenge 2).
Many of its calls require projects to apply the “multi-actor approach” (MAA). This means that projects must focus on real problems or opportunities that farmers, foresters or others who need a solution (“end-users”) are facing. It also means that partners with complementary types of knowledge – scientific, practical and other – must join forces in the project activities from beginning to end. As a result, MAA projects are able to develop innovative solutions which are more ready to be applied in practice and cover real needs.
This brochure presents the benefits of the MAA, includes some examples of existing H2020 projects and explains where to find project results. Slovenian translation courtesy of the Division of the Secretariat-General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
EIP-AGRI Service Point
EIP-AGRI Brochure Multi-actor projects: English version
(PDF – 1.58 MB)
EIP-AGRI Brochure Multi-actor projects: Bulgarian version
(PDF – 2.15 MB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: English version
(PDF – 551.7 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: English version (png)
(PNG – 450.33 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: Bulgarian version
(PDF – 562.3 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: Bulgarian version (png)
(PNG – 743.47 KB)
EIP-AGRI Brochure Multi-actor projects: French version
(PDF – 1.66 MB)
EIP-AGRI Brochure Multi-actor projects: German version
(PDF – 1.61 MB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: Estonian version (jpg)
(JPG – 2.41 MB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: Slovenian version (jpg)
(JPG – 232.86 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: French version
(PDF – 545.46 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: German version
(PDF – 928.15 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: French version (png)
(PNG – 282.85 KB)
Infographic Multi-actor projects: German version (png)
(PNG – 281.84 KB)