Carbon Farming - Projects Brochure
The CAP-funded projects included in this brochure demonstrate knowledge transfer and activities in forest areas and peatlands, which are all very relevant for carbon sequestration and storage.
- 2023-2027

Carbon farming is a green business model that rewards land managers for engaging in land management practices that increase carbon sequestration or maintain carbon stores. Practices to manage carbon can foster long-term resilience to climate change while also providing soil protection, water retention, shelter for livestock and crops, benefits for biodiversity and they can play a role in diversifying land managers’ income.
The CAP Strategic Plans will be key to providing incentives for land managers, farmers and foresters to increase carbon removals and protect carbon stocks. These will build on the support provided under the CAP 2014-2020 and can help expand the areas used for agro-forestry and peatland restoration, alongside more widespread support for soil management or maintaining permanent grassland.
This first edition of the EU CAP Network Projects Brochure reviews carbon farming initiatives funded under the CAP 2014-2020, a topic recently covered by the ENRD Thematic Group on Carbon Farming. Overall, the publication aims to inspire new projects to be funded under the CAP that can deliver on the climate objectives set out in the EU Green Deal.
The CAP-funded projects included in this brochure demonstrate knowledge transfer and activities in forest areas and peatlands, which are all very relevant for carbon sequestration and storage.
CAP Implementation Contact Point
Carbon Farming Projects Brochure
(PDF – 5.31 MB)