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AIS 2017 - EIP-AGRI breakout sessions: Final report

The Agri-Innovation Summit (AIS) 2017 was a joint initiative between a Portuguese Consortium, the Portuguese Government…

AIS 2017 - EIP-AGRI breakout sessions: Final report: English version

The Agri-Innovation Summit (AIS) 2017 was a joint initiative between a Portuguese Consortium, the Portuguese Government, the EIP-AGRI network and the European Network for Rural Development. On 11 and 12 October 2017 the event brought together over 500 farmers, rural businesses, researchers, NGOs and other innovation actors in Lisbon, Portugal to promote cross-fertilisation between multi-actor innovation initiatives, both under Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) and Horizon 2020; raise awareness about innovation and digitisation opportunities for agriculture and rural economies and how these may be supported under ongoing Rural Development Programmes; provide input for EU innovation policies for agriculture and rural areas after 2020, following up on Point 7 of the Cork 2.0 Declaration.

This report summarises the outcomes of four separate breakout group discussions organised by the EIP-AGRI Service Point on 12 October 2017.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

AIS 2017 - EIP-AGRI breakout sessions: Final report: English version

(PDF – 1.61 MB)