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4148 results
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Integration of biotechnological solutions in dairy farms to improve the quality of cattle colostrum and provide additional functional properties
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Completed
Use of innovative biogas production technologies and biomethane in agriculture
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Creation and implementation of a system of short food chains using locally grown produce in the public sector
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Increasing the productivity and competitiveness of dairy farms using a collaborative model
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Establishing of an automated system of development, health and herbage control on seedlings of tree nurseries
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
An automatized system of unmanned aerial vehicles to control tending of young forest stands
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Developing of mechanical protection means for young forest stands from sheep woll
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Implementation of the full handling cycle for an innovative use of forest resources in bioeconomy
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Full cycle processing of biomass of softwood needles for production of high-quality raw material for chemical and pharmaceutical industry
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Operational Group | Ongoing
Developing of portal and mobile application software for forestry work
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI