News | 25 Oct 2023

Rural digitalisation – new Policy Insights published

A newly published Policy Insights article notes how the CAP can help advance rural digitalisation through its range of funding interventions that can be combined with other EU or national funding.

Drone flying over a cultivated field

Rural digitalisation continues to represent a transformative force for the development of Europe’s agri-food sector and the wider rural economy. This transformation involves the integration of digital technologies and data-driven solutions with the aim of enhancing productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness. A newly published Policy Insight article notes how the CAP can help advance rural digitalisation through its range of funding interventions that can be combined with other EU or national funding to help rural Europe take full advantage of the digitalisation potential.

Digitalisation is helping to make rural Europe more resilient through more efficient and sustainable approaches to business operations and community life. Optimising these opportunities by bridging ‘digital divides’ is part of the cross-cutting objective of modernisation of the CAP.

Our new Policy Insights article looks in more detail at opportunities for digitalisation via joined-up approaches that blend EU and national support to create digital success stories for agri-food and rural policies based around three interrelated priorities: investing in education and training, including skill matching; fostering digital entrepreneurship; and funding of rural infrastructure.

See this Policy Insights in our website’s resource library, which hosts more than 20 other Policy Insights publications.