News | 22 May 2023

“Our roots: the future of the earth”, Veneto's CAP communications campaign

The health and well-being of all citizens depend largely on the rural world. The Veneto Region has started an institutional campaign to raise citizens' awareness of the rural development policy.

Our roots: the future of the earth

Enjoying a landscape, enjoying a quality product, walking through rows of trees and waterways: these actions belong to everyone's experience, but should not be taken for granted.

The well -being and health of all depend largely on the rural world. For this reason in Veneto, in Italy, in Europe, there is a rural development policy.

To sensitize citizens on this issue, the Veneto Region has started an institutional campaign to bring the rural development policy aware.

Institutional campaign

The 2023 institutional communication campaign is the first act of the new strategic approach and has citizenship as a "focus target".

The awareness -raising action is aimed at everyone, with the aim of making known the policy of rural development, promoting participation, knowing opportunities and results, reflecting on the social, economic and environmental impact of the Veneto rural development in the area.

This is why the campaign is characterized by a call to action, (an invitation to perform an action: "Discover") and is inserted in a domestic and daily imagination, which involves in a simple and direct way and which aims to enhance the work of the people who work every day for rural development in Veneto.

Our roots: the future of the earth


"Our roots, the future of the earth": this is the chosen title. It has the task of conveying an important message: the Veneto rural development concerns everyone, even if it is not widely known; it is a world made of people, activities, opportunities, that contribute to the well -being of the community.

Starting from the roots, from what is linked to the regional territory and from what has been sown in the past, a new approach is developed to project the rural world towards an innovative, sustainable and inclusive future, in which everyone can be the protagonist of change.

First video: "Chiara's diary"

To make the Veneto rural development understandable to everyone, as well as its impact on the region and on all those who live in it, a video has been created as the central element of the institutional campaign.

The video enhances the "brand" Veneto rural development, fills it with meaning and makes it understandable to the widest possible audience, clearly showing the themes that bring it closer to the citizens.

The narrative choice

The narrative was designed to underline how the heritage and identity of the territory act as a solid base on which to build the future.

Chiara is a young student who retraces her memories in the movie, rediscovering the roots of her land, observes its evolution over time, including its problems. The video touches upon the improvements that occurred also thanks to rural development, and finally undertakes to protect the land and take her towards the future.


The spot was shot in some of the most fascinating places in Veneto, from the Euganean hills, to the Belluno mountains, to the plains of the Polesine. Part of the filming was hosted by beneficiaries of the Veneto RDP, such as the Ca 'De Memi farm of Piombino Dese (Pd) and the Domain of Bagnoli di Bagnoli di Sopra (Pd).

Watch the video (English subtitles)

Our roots: the future of the earth

Rural ciak award: 2nd place for “Chiara’s diary”

The Veneto Region climbed the podium of the "Rural Ciak" National Competition for Video Productions aimed at the management authorities for the rural development of the Italian regions and provinces and organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, in collaboration with the Umbria Region.

The video "Il Diario di Chiara", created to promote the rural development policy with the "Rural Ciak d'Argento" with the citizens on the occasion of the event that took place in Perugia on Wednesday 19 April on the occasion of the Festival International journalism, collecting great consent both for the quality of the narrative line, and for the technical level of photography, filming and assembly.

The recognition rewards the choice of the Region to contact citizens as much as possible, choosing to propose a story in which everyone can recognize themselves.

The challenge is to overturn the communicative path and bring people closer to development policies, starting from an imaginary and shared language and then comes to the "technical" tool consisting of the regional program, its objectives and tools.

The spot (the first of a series of four) is at the center of the advertising campaign "Our roots, the future of the earth", which started on 17 February during the presentation event of the CSR 2023-2027 for Veneto And that it has just ended, involving the websites of sixteen newspapers, seven local television broadcasters and the main social media.

The video was made on behalf of the Veneto Region by the Brodolini Foundation, within the framework of the communication plan for rural development. The protagonist is played by actress Martina Nuzzi, the direction is by Federico Caponera and Riccardo Perazza and the executive production of Bianca Sartirana.