News | 30 Mar 2023

LEADER possibilities in the new CAP

LEADER potential to contribute to objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 is the subject of our latest Policy Insight publication.

LEADER is the subject of our latest Policy Insight publication, which explores possibilities for Local Action Groups (LAGs) to deliver valuable local contributions to high-level objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the coming years.

Policy insights in our new, short-read informative publication acknowledge the LEADER methodology’s capacity to build social and human capital by helping communities to innovate and advance. The resulting benefits are noted as often boosting the confidence of local populations to take forward new initiatives that help them to help themselves.

Opportunities for LAGs are foreseen as a ‘web of rural development extension services’ which can provide an effective policy outreach channel that allows high level policies direct access to engage with EU citizens – through village level action on the ground all around rural Europe. Similarly, the LAGs are able to raise awareness of their local area’s development priorities in agriculture and rural development.

LAG topic knowledge is underlined in policy implementation areas including agri-food cooperation improving responses by EU agriculture to societal demands on food and health. LEADER’s broader socio-economic scope is also referred to for its benefits from inclusive approaches to employment, growth, social impact and local development in rural areas. Further attention is drawn to LAGs’ expertise in pursuing environmental goals such as the promotion of climate action and sustainable transitions to better protect biodiversity, habitats and landscapes through community-led local innovations.

An expense field with the sun shining over it