Publication - Policy Insights |

LEADER's potential from a policy perspective

The EU’s LEADER methodology is world famous for leaving no one behind in a variety of rural policy fields. LEADER’s flexibility continues to make it an ideal tool to contribute to the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

  • 2023-2027
a field of green plants

The LEADER approach to rural territorial development is now over 30 years old and its stakeholders have gained significant insight into best practice approaches to implementing innovative rural development policy. The methodology is acknowledged for its capacity to build social and human capital through helping communities to innovate and advance. Resulting benefits also often boost confidence of local populations to take forward new initiatives that help them help themselves.

The article links to reviews of success stories from the three decades of LEADER implementation, which reinforced its international credentials. It highlights how EU rural communities can benefit greatly from the thousands of LAGs active in Europe, all connected via national and EU networking.

LEADER contributes to a variety of CAP policy objectives, spanning wide from agri-food cooperation to support to rural youth; from inclusive growth to energy communities; from resource efficiency to Smart Villages. LEADER’s well proven methodology enables LAGs to adopt strategies suited to the specific needs of their local territories and review and modify these strategies according to emerging needs.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point


English language

Policy Insights - LEADER's potential from a policy perspective

(PDF – 540.5 KB)