CAP 2023-27 on track? Check it online!
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Understanding the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans has been simplified via a new online tool provided by DG AGRI. The tool presents the targets set at national level by each EU Member State.

A new online tool provided by DG AGRI makes it easier to understand the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). It presents the targets set at national level by each EU Member State.
This new online dashboard can be used to find out, for example, the planned number of young farmers to be supported by the CAP in each EU country during the 2023-27 period, the share of agricultural area supported by the CAP for organic farming or the number of farms benefitting from support for digital farming technology. Searches can be conducted by country or by target.
The CAP uses a set of result indicators linked to specific objectives to measure the progress of CSPs and the new dashboard reports on many of these indicators. For instance, CAP funds now come with a set of environmental conditions, covering close to 90% of the EU's agricultural area. More than 30% of EU agricultural land will be covered by additional measures supporting the conservation/restoration of biodiversity. The reduced and sustainable use of pesticides will be encouraged on at least 27% of EU agricultural land and better soil management is supported with CAP funding on 47% of EU land.
National data in the dashboard can also be used to provide information about other aspects of the CAP, such as CSPs’ success in attracting and sustaining young farmers. Spend some time looking at this new tool to see how it can be useful for your interests related to the CAP.