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Product quality
A marketing strategy to strengthen the brand of a short supply chain for pig meat
A pig meat producing short supply chain developed a marketing strategy to strengthen its brand and increase demand for its high-quality products.
- CAP Implementation

A new value-chain for the promotion of organic production from arable crops in the Marche region of Italy
Italian farmers join forces in new organics value chain.
- CAP Implementation

CAP-funded cooperation catalyses more and better organic production in Tuscany
CAP-funded cooperation catalyses more and better organic production in Tuscany.
- CAP Implementation

Setting up a microbrewery in Latgale
LEADER support enabled an entrepreneur to establish a microbrewery in south-eastern Latvia.
- CAP Implementation

Modernization of the Dary Natury company
A herbal products company used CAP funds to modernise its production infrastructure and create new organic fruit and vegetable products.
- CAP Implementation

Launching the production of goat milk products at the newly established dairy plant Kozłonoga in Klecin
CAP funds enabled an organic goats milk farm to enhance its market orientation by establishing a cheese production dairy.
- CAP Implementation

District Dairy Cooperative in Czarnków – Investing in added value
CAP funds finance dairy development and product diversification in Poland.
- CAP Implementation
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI

Promoting the ‘Rural Quality’ trademark in Hungary
Expanding the Rural Quality brand in Hungary
- CAP Implementation

Lithuanian consumers benefit from improved quality and variety of regional dairy products
Rural Development Programme investment support has boosted the productivity and competitiveness of a family dairy business and helped to safeguard more than 60 jobs.
- CAP Implementation

Implementation of quality certification in tomato production
A cooperative in Spain implemented a quality certification programme for tomato crops, aiming to increase the added value of the product, while being committed to promote safe and sustainable production processes.
- CAP Implementation