Organic farming

83 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 28 Sep 2020

The ‘Point Vert’ experience - test areas for beginners in market gardening

Creating a testing area for young entrepreneurs wishing to work in organic market gardening or horticulture, where they can receive training and advice.

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 25 Juni 2020

Environmentally friendly development of a family farm

A family farm used support from multiple Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures to ensure the farm’s viability and diversify towards a quality focused and profit-oriented business. 

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 02 Juni 2020

The Černelič Biodynamic Farm

Organic and biodynamic farms cooperate to jointly acquire conservation tillage equipment (subsoilers and no till seeding machine) to enhance soil quality, reduce pollution and maximise their soil’s capacity to act as a carbon sink

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 02 Juni 2020

Introducing and testing biological pest control techniques in the wine-producing sector in Tuscany

Offering a coordinated multi-stakeholder approach in terms of training, technology transfer and decision making to finding alternative approaches to pest management and reducing pesticide use in the wine-producing sector of Tuscany.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 08 Apr. 2020

A small Polish farm converting into organic agriculture

A small farm converted to organic vegetable production and in so doing successfully increased its competitiveness and profitability.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 08 Apr. 2020

Agronomic techniques for the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in organic farming

An EIP AGRI operational group was set up in Emilia Romagna to identify agronomic techniques that contribute to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in organic farming.   

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 31 März 2020

Organic farming in Austria

The Organic farming measure in the Austrian Rural Development Programme (RDP) helps preserve and enhance biodiversity; establish nutrient cycles on farms and reduce input, while also increasing soil fertility.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 26 März 2020

Knehtilä organic farm and Palopuro symbiosis

An award-winning organic farm in Finland set up a food production network with neighbouring farms aiming to achieve energy and nutrient self-sufficiency.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 26 März 2020

Zacharias Symeou Sheep Farm

A family farm used investment support to set up a state-of-the-art sheep farm for the production of high-quality sheep milk.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 07 Jan. 2020

Implementing organic agriculture in Sardinia

A Sardinian agricultural company applied for RDP support in order to maintain its organic agriculture production systems.

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI