GHG & ammonia emissions

23 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Setting up a new pig stable at Stenbrogård

Expanding the production capacity of a pig farm in Denmark, while improving animal welfare and reducing NH3 emissions.

Good Practice - Project

Producing green energy from pig manure

Developing a new and practical system to manage pig manure more efficiently, as a means to significantly reduce NH3 emissions and produce green energy.

Good Practice - Project

Klimatkollen i Greppa Näringen – Sweden offers farmers free tailored advice on climate change

Targeted advice on climate mitigation actions for individual farms provides farmers with consultant support to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  

Good Practice - Project

Agronomic techniques for the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in organic farming

An EIP AGRI operational group was set up in Emilia Romagna to identify agronomic techniques that contribute to the reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in organic farming.   

Good Practice - Project

Implementing organic agriculture in Sardinia

A Sardinian agricultural company applied for RDP support in order to maintain its organic agriculture production systems.

Good Practice - Project

Water management for nature reserve in Western Langstraat

Adjustments to water management and remedial measures help to preserve protected areas and conserve the landscape of the Western Langstraat.

Good Practice - Project

Piloting the ‘Stable of the Future’ for the pig farming sector

A pilot project to create an innovative pig farm based on the principle of processing fresh manure to minimise GHG emissions and increase the farm’s profitability.

Good Practice - Project

PUSA project – Clean the lake Pien-Saimaa

Supporting co-operation and knowledge sharing to tackle eutrophication in a vulnerable lake system.

Good Practice - Project

A pig farm combining animal welfare and profitability

A successful pilot project to improve animal welfare conditions and slurry management in a pig and poultry farm in north-east Bohemia.

Good Practice - Project

Exploring low carbon emission solutions in agriculture

Bringing together public authorities, research institutes and farmers to explore low carbon emission production models in agriculture.