Food & Drink

25 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Lebecco s.r.o. – Expanding the production capacity of a bakery company

A bakery company producing high quality traditional bakery products used support from the rural development programme to modernise and expand its production capacity.

Good Practice - Project

Setting up a cheese experience centre in Woerden

Setting up an innovative enterprise in a historic building to strengthen the regional and local agricultural economy, while promoting employment and tourism.

Good Practice - Project

Ritoznojčan – reintroducing in the market a quality wine from the past

The project addressed the needs of local winegrowers and winemakers in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica to add value to their work and improve their market position.

Good Practice - Project

Expansion and modernisation of a model unit for dairy products

A dairy company used EAFRD to finance its investment on the production of probiotic fermented products of top quality and high nutritional value (kefir).

Good Practice - Project

Added Value to create a Niche Product

Local farmers and agro-processors came together to carry out this research project to test and develop a niche product.