Good Practice - Project

Added Value to create a Niche Product

Local farmers and agro-processors came together to carry out this research project to test and develop a niche product.

General information

RDP Priority
  • P1. Knowledge transfer and innovation
RDP Focus Area
  • 1B: Links with research & innovation


The project developed a new ‘gourmet’ tomato vinegar product from the substantial quantities of waste tomato by-product left by the important tomato industry in Malta.

Local farmers and agro-processors came together to carry out a research project to test and develop this niche product so that it can be effectively placed on the market, once its commercial viability has been established.


• Demonstrated successful production of tomato vinegar from waste tomato by-product

• Established the commercial viability of the new product

• Increased income for tomato producers

• Jobs preserved in the agri-food sector


Magro Group S.A.


Total budget 164 633 (EUR)
EAFRD 51 192 (EUR)
National/Regional 17 064 (EUR)
Private 96 377 (EUR)



English language


(PDF – 677.04 Ko)