
53 result(s)
Événement - Autres

Horizon Europe Infodays pour le groupe 6

Les 13 et 14 décembre 2022, la Commission européenne organise des Infodays pour présenter le programme de travail 2023 d'Horizon Europe, avec une attention particulière pour les sujets du Cluster 6 (alimentation, bioéconomie, ressources naturelles, agriculture et environnement).

  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 25 oct 2022

ECOCIRPLAS 2020. – Developing a new process for the management of agricultural plastics

CAP cooperation project pioneers the potential for re-using agricultural plastic waste in Spain.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 24 oct 2022

EIP Operational Group - Grass2Algae

CAP funds in Belgium help convert waste grass into superfood algae.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 08 sept 2022

Wood Phoenix

Wood Phoenix project reduces wood waste through experimental design and reuse of used wood and wood scraps to create equipment for the local community

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 01 Mar 2022

Operational Group (OG) ARGE Kreisläufe - Recycling through return, transfer, or use of organic byproducts on the farm.

Developing and testing practical solutions to close material cycles in farms through better use of agricultural residues.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 20 avr 2021

KLIMIS - BBQ briquettes from olive stones

A family-owned business created multiple revenue streams by creating a new product from an olive stone by-product, demonstrating sustainable economic development and environmental protection.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 06 Mar 2021

ReWI Visions (Resource Wise Visions) - Finland

The ReWI project inspires young people to examine entrepreneurship from the perspective of the circular economy. The project has opened up a wide range of opportunities for young people, resulting in 40 new circular economy enterprises.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 05 jan 2021

Global Eco – Inno Eco Circular Economy in the Countryside

Global Eco – Inno Eco is a transnational cooperation project aimed at boosting the green economy and sustainable businesses in the participating rural areas.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 28 sept 2020

EYXYLON – pellet production from wood processing residues

In response to increasing demand for wood fuel, a wood processing company in Greece, used support from the LEADER measure to set up a new pellet production line.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Publication - Rapports |

Operational Groups and other innovative projects represented at the EIP-AGRI workshop Circular bioeconomy

This booklet was created for the EIP-AGRI workshop 'Opportunities for farm diversification in the circular bioeconomy',…

  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Operational Groups and innovative projects represented at the EIP-AGRI workshop 'Circular bioeconomy'