

Pour préserver notre environnement et notre qualité de vie, nous devons protéger les écosystèmes riches en biodiversité, réduire les émissions et évoluer vers une économie circulaire, compétitive et économe en ressources.


landscape with flowers
13 sept 2024

Encouraging community-led nature restoration with LEADER

LEADER can encourage community-led nature restoration,and this provides possibilities for economic opportunities in the Member States.

A person showing hands full of freshly-harvested olives
13 sept 2024

Olive experts in Italy and Malta share best practices

This LEADER newsletter article shows how Transnational Cooperation has supported knowledge sharing and peer learning across countries on better ways to reinforce olive resilience.

Austrian rural community
26 juin 2024

Animer l'action de développement local LEADER dans les zones rurales d'Autriche

Les groupes d'action locale LEADER en Autriche bénéficient d'une forte coopération au niveau national, qui est animée par des actions coordonnées par le réseau national et le forum LEADER du pays.

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Dernières publications

Young farmer picking up grapes during harvest
Évaluation des États membres |

Evaluation report on the integration of ESI funds for the Liguria region

The report assessed the specific areas of integration and complementarity between the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) by analysing the progress made in ensuring an integrated approach to using the latter.

Between Puglia and Basilicata (Italy): Country landscape
Évaluation des États membres |

Progress report of the Basilicata RDP

The document intends to analyse the overall performance of the 2014-2022 Rural Development Programme (RDP) in terms of the results achieved based on the implementation of its expenditure as of 2022.

 Swedish farm from Pajala, Swedish Laponia, Norrbotten, Sweden
Évaluation des États membres |

Compensatory support for agriculture in Sweden

Compensation support, which aims to compensate agriculture in specific conditions and areas, is analysed through this follow-up study, which defines its design and how the support developed over time.

Latest good practice

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