
84 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Biodiversity-flower strips in Austria

Supporting this environmentally sound and biodiversity-promoting management action is one of the most successful operations of the Austrian Agri-Environmental-Climate Scheme.   

Good Practice - Project

Knehtilä organic farm and Palopuro symbiosis

An award-winning organic farm in Finland set up a food production network with neighbouring farms aiming to achieve energy and nutrient self-sufficiency.

Good Practice - Project

Implementing organic agriculture in Sardinia

A Sardinian agricultural company applied for RDP support in order to maintain its organic agriculture production systems.

Good Practice - Project

Allrounder Moor - Climate Protectors and Noah's Ark of Biodiversity

Organising a series of educational events to raise awareness and interest about the environmental functions of the peatlands in Brandenburg.

Good Practice - Project

Construction of the Bahna retention basin

The construction of two small water basins that minimise the risk of floods and offer a habitat that promotes biodiversity. 

Good Practice - Project

‘Abissage’ - restoring traditional water management systems in the Ardennes

Restoration of a meadow irrigation ditch to revive a multi-centennial tradition that existed throughout Europe and over time has produced meadows of outstanding flora.   

Good Practice - Project

Nizna Boca – Restoring the production potential of damaged forests

Restoring the production potential of damaged forests through clearing, afforestation and preservation of young forest stands. 

Good Practice - Project

The Gaschet dam - Preserving the largest freshwater body in Guadeloupe

An afforestation project to protect the largest body of freshwater in Guadeloupe and improve the biodiversity in the surrounding area.

Good Practice - Project

Support to civil society organisations for the preservation and promotion of biodiversity

Organising a series of awareness raising and capacity building activities for environmental NGOs in Mayotte.

Good Practice - Project

Ivenack Treetop Trail

The construction of a treetop path that enhances visitors’ experience in one of the oldest oak forests in Europe.